chapter 28

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Mature content ahead...

"You are a fucking idiot."

My leg bounces up and down as if I was hit by a stun gun. I watch Blaise rush around my room, telling me what an idiot I am for the 13th time already.

"You are a fucking idiot." He repeats in disbelief.

I correct myself, for the 14th time.

"You are a—"

"I get it!" I shout out. I think my thread of patience ripped apart just now. "I am a fucking idiot. I fucking get it."

Blaise shakes his head only, groaning out in frustration. "Why the hell would you smash him up right in the— in the middle of the freaking hall?! Jesus you can get expelled you idiot."

"He asked my girlfriend!" I burst out, getting up from the bed I was sitting on rapidly.

"Ex-girlfriend, Draco. He asked your ex-girlfriend." Blaise corrects me, looking me straight in the eyes.

My jaw tightens. I am about to smack the shit out of him, too. Blaise's eyes wander to my fists which are now clutching together that even my knuckles turn white. Freaking hell I swear I am about to loose my mind.

I throw myself back onto the bed, burying my head in my palms as a deep sigh leaves my mouth.

"Why are you still holding on, man?" Blaise's voice sounds calmer now, more understanding. "It's been a while."

I only shake my head, not saying anything as he keeps going.

"You have to let go eventually, man."

"Shut up." I mumble, biting on my inner cheek. How dare he say this. I think he really is interested in getting a black eye.

"Draco, I am being serious. Can't you see how much this shit drains you? That can't be healthy, man— you have to let go of her. You two haven't been talking and you still—"

"Shut the fuck up!" In a matter of seconds I'm back on my feet, rushing towards him. It feels as if I will break my jaw if I bite onto it a little bit more.

"Can't you see what all this is doing to you?!" Blaise finally shouts out, throwing every sentence after another. "You are fucking grieving about this damn breakup, even though it wasn't your fault at all! You blame yourself for everything and completely oversee the fact that Astoria left you! Not the other way round! It wasn't your damn fault and yet, you fucking blame yourself! Did you see her? She doesn't mind that at all! She's there continuing her life, while you are here, still living in the damn past! She's there enjoying each second while you are here walking around like a fucking ghost! She doesn't care while you would still throw away everything just to return the past; to get her back. You would do fucking anything for her while she wouldn't even give the slightest damn about you!"

"How dare you!" I yell, while my hands grab onto his sweater to push him to the ground but Blaise pushes me away before I can do that.

I swear I'm so close to killing him.

"It's the freaking truth! You have to realise it! Right now, you perhaps live in a comfortable lie. But sooner or later you will have to face the ugly truth! Even if it means to get over the past and live with what remains." He keeps talking, ignoring my anger at him totally. "She is not coming back, Draco. You have to let go of her, just like she let go of you."

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