chapter 25

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Draco didn't know how to fix an issue in a disagreement. He didn't know how to talk things through properly. Instead, he shut himself out. He ended things and ghosted the problem, rather than facing it.

Draco and I haven't talked in three days. I haven't even seen him in the building. Perhaps he made up his mind and left for vacation at home. Because I suppose he decided to stay here only because of me, and now that we are no longer talking, he went home to his family.

I understand his point about me breaking the rules by trying to make him realise that he does care for me after all. Perhaps, he was right and I was wrong. I mean, I can't say for sure if he actually cares about me. What if he just acted like that because we were sort of friends. Maybe I just mistook his act for something that it wasn't.

Maybe I have gotten too far by getting so comfortable around him. Or finding comfort in his kindness to me. Probably, Draco was just being nice. But still, I am glad I made him clear about the fact that he is ought to respect what I say to him. He should know his limits. And if he gets pissed off, when somebody makes sure he knows the boundaries, then I don't know what to do about it either.

I wanted to talk to him about it, I tried talking calmly, but he didn't seem to listen so I did what I did. And that I do not regret. He should know how to treat me right if he wanted sex with me.

But on the other hand, I just can't hate him for blocking me off. I know he was hurt in the past, that's what I know for sure now, and he is just afraid to experience this kind of pain again. He just tries to protect himself by shutting out any kind of affection that is flowing towards him. He doesn't trust anyone at this point. Not if it's about his feelings.

Draco wasn't cold and heartless at all. He was just a broken soul, that tried to slip on this coldness out of fear. And perhaps he didn't want to admit it, not even to himself, but he was hopping for someone to help him melt this coldness and help him fill it with warmth and love.

I don't even notice how my fingers start playing with the necklace, which was still on me. I look around in the great hall. A few students are spread in the hall, minding their own business. Everyone has someone sitting by their side. Everyone but me.

A sigh leaves my lips as I look to each corner of the hall. It's still gorgeously decorated. There is a big Christmas tree at the end behind the teachers tables. It's sparkling in different colours. Along the roof of the hall there are flying snowflakes and at the big doors of the hall there are... there is Draco.

I see him walk inside, towards me as I stare at him. He didn't go home after all. I watch him sit down across from me, starting to fill his plate with dinner food.

"Hey." I give him a slight smile, but he doesn't even look at me as he starts eating. "I thought you left, actually. Thought you were at home by now." I continue, but Draco keeps ignoring me. I watch him take a sip of his water for a second. His eyes land on mine and his expression changes. Perhaps it's because he notices the dark circles around my eyes from the lack of sleep I had the past nights. I don't know why but I just couldn't rest at all after Draco left me standing in the cold and started ignoring me. "Why sit down next to me if you keep ignoring me?"

"So you don't look that pathetic, sitting alone at dinner." He says dryly, setting his cup down and watching my eyes.

I look away from him right away. "How nice of you." I mumble under my breath right afterwards.

"Jeez, have you gotten any sleep lately? You look like shit." He comments as he points his hand towards my face.

My brows draw together at his talking. I don't look back at him as I pick around in my food, without saying anything to him. Why would he even say something like this? I don't know if he gets it, but it truly hurts hearing him talk to me like this again. He didn't lie about the fact that we should better go back to how we were in the beginning of the year. All that he said right now, gives me the best flashbacks to the start of the year when he treated me just the same.

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