chapter twelve

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"Alright, class, I'm honoured to announce the trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow afternoon," Professor McGonagall clears her throat to get the other students attention. "We will be going by third lesson. Please, don't forget, wait at the main entrance of the school." The teacher reminds and dismisses the lesson.

"I'm super, duper excited," Pansy cheers as we head along the corridor to our next class; what happens to be potions. Not my favourite. "Finally, new dresses, new shoes! Oh, some jewellery can't be forgotten either."

I give her a chuckle. "Oh? Didn't you bought new clothes and sparkling things by the start of the school year already?"

"Yeah, exactly? The start of the school year." Pansy groans. "That was a long time ago."

"Three months." I remind her.

"Hush! Three months is a long long time. And anyways, new clothes are always a yes." She protests, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I see you two have plans indeed for tomorrow, huh?"

James appears at my side, smiling from one ear to the other. We haven't spoken since the night we went for a butter beer; the day after Draco and I hooked up for the first time. I still feel his touch all over me and his voice still rings in my head as if it memorised him.

He didn't appear at the night out, though. Perhaps, it's because of me. Maybe he didn't feel like spending time with someone who he fucked with right the day before. Who knows.

"Oh hi James, you coming with us tomorrow right?" I ask, returning the smile to the boy walking next to me.

"Yes, of course, won't dare to miss an opportunity to spend time with you Roselee." James grins, his eyes staring into mine as we walk into the classroom.

Did he just said what I think he did?

I don't have time to ask him to explain himself because as soon as we walk into the classroom for our next class, James gets pulled away by some other group of boys. So I go to my usual table and take a look at the ingredients which are spread on it.

Slughorn walks in right a minute later, greeting the class nicely and motivated as always. As I look around the room, I notice a bunch of platinum hair right in the corner at the window. Draco is too busy scanning through the school book in front of him to notice me checking on him.

We haven't talked since that night I was with him. I wonder if he changed his mind and regrets asking me to be his—More than a friend? Sexbuddy?— whatever it is that we have.

"You'll be paired in two and by the end of the lesson I expect you to fullfill the ideal Amortentia; the most powerful love potion there is. But be careful, the potion is dangerous to underestimate a strong infatuation. And know that, despite its strength, Amortentia does not create real love." The professor explains, giving a look all around the class before placing a sheet of paper by his desk. "You will find everything you need in your books."

I've never made a potion that powerful and dangerous at the same time. Most of the potions made by me were flops. Potions is one of my least favourite subjects in school. I just never do it right. You have to add the perfectly exact amount of something for it to work. That's just not for me.

I look through the paper, scanning through my name before I spot it. My eyes wander at the boy by the window who happens to be my partner. Draco.

His eyes are already on me as I make my way over to him.

This might get hilarious.

I stop at his table, placing my book on it. "You're my potion partner."

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