chapter 36

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"I don't have anything to wear!" Pansy groans out as she stands in front of her closet, throwing out every single piece of clothing.

"You have plenty things to wear," I mumble, not even looking up from my homework I still have to do. "Just choose one of your fifty dresses or something."

Today night was a party thrown by Slytherins and of course almost everybody would be there, Pansy and me included.

"How can you be so chilled about it? What are you going to wear anyways? It's like the biggest Party ever." She sighs at me, going through her clothes once again.

"Dunno," I yawn, finally finishing my homework and getting up from my desk to go to my closet. I search for my black corset top and a black mini skirt, which was only reaching right below my ass, before turning back to Pansy and showing her my outfit. "Probably this."

She gasps, observing it. "That's awesome. How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Find something this perfect in like three seconds?"

I shrug. "I guess I just took it simple. I mean, it's just a black skirt with a black corset top. Nothing spectacular."

"And yet so perfect." She shakes her head, diving back in into her pile of clothes and going through it all over again.


We arrive at the common room and it immediately smells like fire whiskey and another pungent smell.

"Ah, the duo!" Blaise exclaims lazily. I glance over to see the boys, sitting on the couch in a circle formation. Music is bursting through my ears which sounds more like a freaking sex-pub music rather than a party music.

I take a seat between James and Blaise, while Pansy sits between Draco and some other girls who joined us just as well as Theodore Nott. Pansy and Draco are sitting across me and in the middle of this formation are bottles of fire whiskey and some weed that Theo apparently brought. That must be where the smell and fog are coming from.

Pansy immediately pours herself a shot and downs it without hesitation. I follow her motions and down a shot myself right afterwards.

I gaze the people in the circle. Everyone seems to be having a splendid time but one; Draco Malfoy himself. For some reason he looks rather tensed than pleased about this party. Even though usually, he is the one to be top one guest at events like these.

As the night progresses, the atmosphere shifts towards the groggy yet cheerful side. I've noticed that Draco has been downing shots like nothing; and the same thing with Theodore and James. I've been taking shots every now and then.

I watch the people get more loose and dance around, having the time of their lives.

Eventually, I feel my head start to fill up with joy and amusement as we all talk and down shots after shots.

"James, could I try some weed?" I cooed in his ear as he is holding it in his hands. He looks back at me and smiles, eyes glistening from the fireplace behind us.

"Of course," he perplexed. "Anything for you, gorgeous."

For some reason, the way gorgeous slipped off his tongue sent chills down my spine. My face warms up and my mouth salivates as he starts stuffing the green herb into some sort of glass thing. He pulls out a small box of matches. I've never smoked weed before, I know Pansy tried it before. And I have to say I'm quite nervous about it.

I glance over to Pansy and notice that she's making out with some other dude that is sitting next to her now. I look over to Draco to fully examine him; he's wearing a white shirt and black pants. He's fiddling with his watch while listening to the flowing conversation.

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