chapter 39

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Mature content ahead...


I never thought that this day would come. But at some point, it will.

This will be the last year I am going to be in Hogwarts. That sounds so crazy. All the years here will be over. Someday the memories will start to fade. I will slowly start to forget, even though I don't want to. I will never loose my first ever memory from Hogwarts. How I walked inside those big doors of the great hall and how the sorting head called out Slytherin for its first and last time that day. I will never forget how I struggled in DADA and how much I hated Filch for giving me detention in second year for sneaking out at midnight. I think I will somewhat even miss him. Well, maybe not actively, but rather passively. But for sure I will never loose memory of the friendships I've made here. Pansy, my best friend, and Blaise. I'll never forget the sweetness of James smile that could warm up someone's day. The last person I was going to forget was Draco Malfoy.

Oh Draco Malfoy how could I forget him?

I wish I could because it seems like he so easily forgot me. All those months, regardless my tons of letters, Draco didn't manage to write one back. Perhaps he was too busy, what sounds too absurd to even consider such thing. We went into summer break on a pretty good basis. I remember the last hours we spend together, laying in grass and kissing each other. His lips on mine, my lips on his. A dream of win that's for sure. I still remember him saying how much he would miss me during those months. And yet it seems like he didn't miss me at all.

Have I even crossed his mind as he crossed mine?

"What's up with that long face, Lee?" Pansy interrupts my thoughts by speaking up. "It's the first day and you already braise," she hits my shoulder playfully, smiling out lazily. "No need to worry, I'm sure he's here somewhere."

"Who?" I mumble out, not really listening to her.

"Oh stop, Draco Malfoy. Who else?" She wails, shaking her head. I quickly look around the train, trying to spot him but he is nowhere close. "Jeez, Lee, I said he surely is somewhere here, not here already." She chuckles out yet again.

Oh. I didn't even listen to her properly. I simply nod and get up from our seats, heading towards the slim way of the train. "Imma go walk a bit," I tell her and leave.

I need to find Draco. Confront him maybe. Why didn't he answer any of my letters? Why did he—



"Lavelle, it's always you who thinks it's a great idea to walk around like a loony. Walking and not even looking where the hell you set your feet at," a raspy voice confronts me before I look up and meet his grey eyes. Draco Malfoy. "Is it that hard to watch out—"

"Draco!" Without any thought I fall around his neck, pressing him to my chest firmly. God how I missed him. And oh, he smells so good. This familiar scent of his, how much I love it. I release him, my gaze trails along his body all the way up. His hair grew out a little more, looking way fluffier now. And god, his eyes. So blue, so firm, so... exhausted?

Now I notice the dark circles under his eyes that build up due to exhaustion, tiredness. His eyes look slightly red, as if he cried. The corners of his eyes are reddened too. I perceive the pale skin as the sunbeams fall onto his face. He looks paler than usual, as if he was sick. As if he didn't set a foot outside during the entire summer.

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