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"No Iced Americano for me today?" Megan pouts as I set my purse down on my desk.

I grin. "You missed your chance yesterday," I say teasingly.

"Seeing that this place is still up and running like always, I'm going to assume you didn't drink the coffee," she says, turning back to her laptop.

"No," I confirm. "Ethan was here, so I gave it to him."

I haven't seen Ethan after he had the meeting with Mr. Park. But it's not like I expected him to walk by my desk again to say goodbye.

"Ethan?" Megan questions, turning back to me. Her left eyebrow jumps to her hairline and a smirk rises to her lips. "I'm starting to hear his name more often these days. Is there flirting going on?"

I take a few seconds to think about an answer. I've noticed that I'm seeing Ethan more often lately and that the number of our interactions are increasing, but I don't want to read too much into it. I don't want to assume he's trying to show interest when our encounters so far have been purely coincidental.

Except for the roses.

"He's nice." is what I finally decide to say. "The most I can say is that we're just friends, and that might even be too much. I mean, I don't know anything about him."

"Yeah, sure." Megan snickers, like she's not buying it. I ignore it because I know I can't change her mind no matter how hard I try. In her head, I'm sure I'm already wearing a wedding dress.

Ethan is a handsome and charming man. I'd be lying if I said he doesn't catch all the women's eyes. And he knows that well, which makes him seem really confident.

"Let me know if you need a wedding planner," she says. See, I said it, "Anyway, we have a meeting in ten."

"Oh?" I draw my eyebrows together. "I didn't know that."

I sit down in my chair and log onto my laptop. When I open our agenda, I do indeed find that there is a meeting scheduled for eight o'clock, which I didn't know about yesterday. This meeting was actually scheduled for noon today.

"Mr. Park rescheduled the meeting because, apparently, he has to take care of something urgent later today. He sent out an email to everyone," Megan explains, already gathering her documents.

We are going to talk about a new project for which we are still in the planning phase. We usually have this kind of meeting at the very beginning of an ad, so that we on the creative team know exactly what we're going to be working on and what our client's requirements are.

I looked at a few past commercials for the company the day before yesterday and I have to admit that they are demanding. I am sure that the client will have high expectations of us because of that, but that is something we are used to.

I also gather my papers and grab a notepad and pen so I can jot down the most important things. At the end of meetings, my notes are always a mess like my head because I tend to scribble all my ideas on them as they pop into my head so that I won't forget them.

But since they are just notes for me and no one sees them, it's fine. I always make sure the notes I show to my supervisors are neat.

Megan and I head to the conference room down the hall. It's my favorite room to hold meetings because the morning sun shines right in and everything is bright and open. It makes me feel productive and I can think better.

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