Chapter 4

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I called Paul (Hunter) and Stephanie later that day to let them know that I need to meet with them both ASAP they're said to come to the arena before the taping of Main Event and Smackdown that afternoon. A few hours later I found myself at the arena heading to a meeting with Hunter and Stephanie. I've obviously known them both around ten years. I knocked on the office door and just seconds later it was opened By Stephanie.

"Alexander it's good to see you come in, have a seat. What's been going on?" I took a seat across from her and Hunter.

"I need to talk to you both about something but don't know how to go about it. I feel like you both are gonna to hate me and I'm scared." Looking down at my hands I took a deep shaking breath and bit my lip. A concerned look washed across both of their faces as they watched me panic.

"Alex there is nothing you ever will do that will make either of us hate you. Stephanie said. "What's going on? Are you okay?"

"I want out of my contract." Both of their eyebrows furrowed but their expression never changed. "Why would you want that?" Hunter ask. All at once the floor gates was opened and I let all of my emotions out. I explained to them what has happened in the last day in and half. "I can't pretend that seeing them together doesn't make me to die inside. I can't handle the thought of coming back and being in the same building as them. Even though I just filed for a divorce this morning my lawyer said it will be done fast considering he doesn't want anything to do with the kids it can be done within a few weeks. I want to feel like I'm good enough and don't think I'll ever feel like that again by staying here this whole situation has destroyed any desire I have returned. I need out I'm not asking, I'm begging you let me go."

I was hysterical as all of my emotions was released. Stephanie was up, out of her seat and around the desk within seconds. She wrapped her arms around me and let me cry.

"Oh Alex, I'm sorry. We didn't know you were going through this and felt this way. We don't want you to go but we will do what it takes." Half an hour later I was calmed down enough to leave Stephanie and Hunter's office. Stephanie had made a few calls and told me she would get back to me but in my mind it was done. Once I walked out of the doors I was no longer a WWE Superstar. A week or so later my contract was terminated I had a 90 days grade period before I could sign with any other company if I wanted to but 90 days was nothing compared to a lifetime of opportunities ahead of me. I haven't called Jon or Joe or any of my other friends had in the company and I knew I need to get that done soon.

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