Chapter 31

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The day of Alex's debut at ROH was tonight and nobody know not even Nick and Matt except one person that Alex reached out for help which was Tyson (Kenny Omega). Alex arrived at the arena early to get smothered in Tyson met her at the backdoor where he usher her into a unused locker room.

Once getting inside Alex locked the door, goes into the bathroom to get ready taking the messy bun she had her hair in and immediately start to brush her hair out she soon realized that it won't look right so instead she dugged through her bag to look for her shampoo turning the faucet on and sticking her head under it to get wet enough to wash it. When it was wet she squeezed a good amount of shampoo in her palm, applied it and rinse it out

Not seeing any towels around Alex took off the shirt she was wearing, wrapped her hair in it to help it dry.

While she wait on her hair for a bit she slipped on her pants and boots taking an old Young Bucks T-shirt that Nick left at her house and a pair of scirrors to cut it and try to spruce it up a bit.

Tying the last knot on the back of the shirt she, taking the T-shirt she had her hair up she slipped on the newly cut up shirt she made.

Checking on her hair seen it was dry enough to run a brush through it she decided to put her hair in a side french braid then putting it up in a ponytail.

Grabbing her eye shadow pallet, decided to do purple smokey eye with a bit of blue and black eyeliner on the waterline. Looking at herself in the mirror and decide it was good enough just as she slipped on a black hoodie that stole from Jon there was a knock on the.

Flipping the hood up and zipping she made her way over to the door, answering it and seeing it was Tyson.

"You're ready? Their match just startrd so let's go." Nodding her head she started to following him down through the different hallways until they're made it to the back of the crowd. Where Tyson left with a pat on the shoulder.

Taking a deep and letting it out Alex sneak her through the people with her head down just as she made to the front where the ring was she slipped behind the barricade to wait for the perfect moment to jump out and interfere she thanked her lucky stars that the match was no disqualification otherwise this plan and surprise wouldn't work at all.

She stayed kneeing down watching the match closely to make her perfect move.  Nick was crawling his way towards Matt for the tag once Matt got the tag she gave him a few minutes  before she started to inch her way out from behind the barricade.

As she saw their opponent started to make his way to make the tag to his partner that's when she leaped up and rushed to the ring and yanked the other guy off the apron as he was reaching out for the tag.

The guy she yanked off hit his face on the way down and she knew he was probably knocked out for a bit, the legal guy that was in the match saw her and started yelling at her he slid out of the ring started to come towards her.

Backing up a good distance to see if he was going following her, when she saw that he was she knew her plan was working she stopped and saw he was  a good few meters away from her that's when she charged at him and hit him with a thunderus spear.

She hear the crowd going crazy and the commentarers speechless she looked up in the ring to see Matt and Nick with their heads tilted to the side in confusion she signal to them to get the guy in the ring. Matt begin the legal guy for his team rolled out of the ring to grabbed the guy never breaking eye contact with her she held up her hands to signal to him that she won't do any harm to him.

Getting the guy in the ring Matt got him to stand up long enough to hit a superkick to him then got the pin for the win.

Alex slowly made her way to the stand on the apron unzipping the hoodie when she got there and removing her hood she was standing on the apron closer to Nick so when she removed her hood and sayed two words "hi honey."

She knew she made Nick's night.

She knew she made Nick's night

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