Chapter 45

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                                                         Alex's POV

    Sitting down in the living room after taking suitcases, bags upstairs and showing Matt and Tyson the pool house where they be staying for the weekend. Nick and I was sitting on the love seat cuddling together with all four kids sitting around our legs. Matt and Tyson was sitting in the two recliner chairs.

"Mom can we watch something?" Skyla asked leaning her head back against Nick's legs to look up at me "Sure sweetie". I replied as I reached across Nick's legs to grab the remote to turn on the TV turning switching to the movie channel seeing the entrance theme to a movie I haven't seen since I was in high school.  "Oh dear lord ."I say quietly but not quiet enough apparently cause Nick stopped playing with my hair to look at me and raised a eyebrow.

"What's wrong babe?" Nick asked in concern. "It's nothing really important it's just this movie that's coming on was one of my favorite book and movie franchise when I was a teenager I'm sure the movie, story line haven't aged well and I know for sure my taste of it most definitely have." 

"What is it? I don't recognize it ." Matt asked sitting up straighter in his chair. "It's Twilight." I said rolling my eyes. "I still don't understand? Why don't you like it now when you did as a teenager?"  Nick asked. Pausing the movie before it gets even more into it. I explain "It's a series of romance fantasy. A girl name Bella moves to a small town in Washington State with her dad, she falls in love with a vampire but also her childhood best friend is also in love with her, the problem is that later on in the next one her best friend turns into a werewolf.?"

"Can we watch it mom?  If  it has werewolves in it i know for sure i will like it." Skyla asked. "The werewolves are not in this one sweetie they're in the second one, you have to watch this one to understands what happened in the next one." I explained to my blond hair daughter who is tickled pink to hear about a movie that has werewolves in it. "If she wants to watch it we can babe." Nick spoke up seeing Skyla giving me the puppy eyes.

Fighting back a smile and laugh "You're going to be the soft parent that will cave every time the kids give you the puppy eyes." I said as I look over at Nick. "OK we can watch it if you guys don't mind me complaining, making comments and pretty much trash talking it."

Turning my attention to Nick "Before I push the play button I have to mention that there's some attractive guys in this movie and the series that I thought was hot when I was a teenager so if I say something about it now don't take it personally OK babe?"  Giving me a boyish grin "I understand babe you only have eyes for me." 

"Let me up for a sec babe I'm going to go get some popcorn for us." Standing up from the embrace of Nick I made my way into the kitchen, I heard Matt mention about going to fetch something out of his bags real quick. 

Short chapter but the next one will be a long one. I hope no one will take it personally on what I say about Twilight and the others. I'm going to go ahead and say this here that I don't like Edward or half of the Cullens my favorites are Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie. I'm team Jacob all the way, in general I'm team Quileutes so any of the members of the wolf pack. I also want to say that I know that Booboo Stewart plays Seth Clearwater in the later movies and I have have BooBoo playing the older version of Kellan in this story since he plays Jay in Disney Descendants so disregard that Seth is going to be played by someone else at this time I don't know. I think that's all I have to say for now so I hope you all enjoy.

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