Chapter 33

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Matt got his shower, head to their hotel room. Nick, Alex, Matt and Tyson was all chilling in Matts' and Nicks' hotel room playing a somewhat version of have I ever.

Matt: "OK little sis obviously Tyson and I don't know a lot about you Nick knows more so we want to know something big about you?" Matt turned to look at her.

Alex sat there thinking bitting her lip. "OK I got one the only ones that know is Jon, Joe, Colby and of course the twins. When I was going to Juilliard I lived half time in Hollywood. Before Alex could get another out Matt shouted "You went to Juilliard as in the college to sing, dance?"

"Yes Matt that Juilliard I got accepted but I only went for two semesters cause my life was already hectic so I dropped out but what I was saying was that I was playing a major and a main character in a hit show."

Alex turned to look over at Nick to see his reaction and he was frowning his eyebrows.

"Do I need to say what it was?" Alex asked after a few minutes of silence.

"YES!" Tyson yelled. Alex laughed at him "I played Rachel Berry in Glee for 121 episodes." Alex sat there looking at the guys in silence.

"Wasn't that a singing and dancing show?" Matt asked Alex nodded as she kept on eyes on Nick.

"Nick baby please say something you're making me nervous." As she reaches for his hand. Her dark blue eyes scanning his baby blue ones searching for something to grasped in hope.

"What do you want me to say Alexandria? Alex flinch at him saying her full name in that tone. "We been together for six months and you're just now telling me you were in a hit TV show."

Alex fight back tears "I told you I used to sing and dance before I started to trained as a wrestler." Alex whispered.

"Yeah you did but you never said why you quit I've asked you to sing fo me Skyla and Kiara both said you have a beautiful voice but you won't let me hear it, are you ashamed of me or something?" Nick asked with tears in his eyes as well.

"Are you hiding anything else from me? Do you have any illegitimate children you're not telling me, are you Colby even divorced?"

Alex sat there staring at Nick with tears running down her face as she stand up she grabbed her purse and rushed out running to no where in particular in mind just trying to get away.

Matt, Nick and Tyson just sat there staring where Alex was just sitting.

"I think you were a little harsh there little brother. Matt told Nick "Maybe she have a good reason why she didn't tell you or something happened that she didn't want to relieve?" Tyson pitched in.

Nick kept replying what just happened. "What did I just do? Nick said "Go after her brother you love her to much to let her go Ty and I will help call her to see if she will answer." Matt said as he wraps his arm around Nick's shoulder.

Nick immediately grabbed his phone and dial Alex's number. "Come on baby please pick up." He said. Just before he hang up to recall her Alex picked up.

Letting out a sniffle "What Nicholas?" Alex asked. "Where you at baby girl, please come back up to the room I'm sorry I yelled at you." Nick said trying not to start bailing.

"I'm in the parking lot." She told him "Stay there baby I'm coming down to meet you. Nick rushed out grabbing an extra key card on his way out instead of taking the elevator he took the stairs thinking it will be faster to get to her.

Four flights of stairs later he was outside looking for her seeing her silhouette sitting on a picnic table not far off he made his way over to her.

Squatting down in front of her "I'm so sorry baby I don't know why I yelled that at you I just don't understand why you never told me I mean we been together for six months." Alex cut him off. "Can we go back to the room? I think it's time to tell you guys what happened."

Nick just nodded standing up he grabbed Alex's hand pulling her along through the hotel and into the elevator there was no words between them as they made their way back up to the room.

Nick slipped the room key out of his pocket to unlock the door letting Alex walk in before him Matt immediately jumped off the couch where his and Tyson was sitting on waiting.

To hug her "You ok?" He asked in concern.

"Yes I want to tell you guys what happened and why I don't sing hardly anymore. Taking a breath sitting down on the couch Nick following closely behind not letting her hand go. "Before I start I just want to say is that I absolutely loved to sing and perform that where I was the happiest before I started to wrestling, now my kids and of course you all. A couple of episodes before the show got canceled in the sixth season I wasn't really in a lot of episodes after the third season since my character Rachel graduated from high school but I still made surprise guest appearances anyway at the end of around the fifth season my voice was starting to sound rough you guess you can say I had to strain it more to hit the higher notes that my character is known for my throat will hurt for a numbers of days or I wouldn't have a voice at all so I went to a specialist to see what was going on we'll did a few test and it came back that I had a polyp on one of my vocal cords and it haemorrhaged where I had blood on my vocal cords.

As she stopped to look at each of the guys faces then turned to look at Nick and saw tears swimming in his eyes. Shooting him a sad smile Alex continued the story.

The only way to help fix it was to have surgery so I agree to do it but I knew there was a slight chance that I would never sing again or even talk but I still went through it after the surgery I had to take vocal lessons to help."

She finished up by once again looking at them. "So can you still sing?" Tyson asked.

"I guess since we're on the subject of me hiding stuff I probably need to mention that I also did seven movies as well." I said as she scratched the back of her neck.

"Which ones?" Matt asked them looked over at Nick then to Alex. "Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series: I played Annabeth Chase she's the daughter of Athena, Then I was in Texas Chainsaw 3D I played Heather Miller in that a cousin to Leather face, Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as April O' Neal, San Andreas as The Rock's daughter Blake Gaines and The Second Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows."

"Why don't you guys watch a few clips of the show on YouTube and once I get out of the shower I will sing and you can tell me, it may be hard to spot me I move and dance around a lot during performance since my character share lead with a few other people I be out 20 minutes top." Pulling away from Nick she leaned in to give him a kiss.

"I forgive you honey don't beat yourself up about yelling at me I can see it all over your face and in your eyes you regret saying that stuff to me I don't like seeing you having tears in those beautiful eyes of yours I be back in a bit love you." She told him and kissing him again before grabbing her bag and going into the bathroom.

Everyone just imagine that Alexandria Daddario played Rachel in Glee instead of Lea Michele. And also imagine that she played April in the 2014 and 2016 Ninja Turtles instead of Megan Fox.

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