Chapter 23

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After Nick left Alex couldn't wipe off her smile, their only been officially together for only a day and he already accepted the kids as his.

Walking into the living room where the kids was sitting on the floor with various of toys scattered around the room.

Sighing as she sit down on the couch pulling her legs up and putting them under her. Kiara left her head up as she saw her mother acting weird frowning and squinting her eyebrows together "You OK mommy?" She asked. At hearing the concern in her sister's voice Skyla lefting her head up to see what's going on.

Not hearing her youngest daughter concern voice it took both of the twins to get their mother attention this time.
"Mommy?" Both of the girls yelled this time jumping in shock Alex looked at both of her daughters.

"Did you girls say something?" Alex asked them. Crossing her arms Kiara spoke up "Yeah we did we asked if you're OK?" Slightly chuckled to herself before answering the twins "Yeah I'm good just .... Not being able to think and come up with the right words she just smile at the twins.

"I tell you girls when you get older, you wouldn't understand at this time." Skyla went to argue but Alex held her hand up to stop her.

"Believe me girls you wouldn't understand now if I tell you even with you two being intelligent at your ages."

Kiara spoke up next "Does it have something to do with Nick?" She asked once again Alex let out a laugh "I can't get nothing by you two, but yes it does have something to do with Nick but I'm not going to get into it with you guys about that yet let's just say that I'm really happy with him." She finished telling the twins.

Alex went to tell the twins something else but she got interrupted by the doorbell, standing up "You two go play again it be nap time soon." The twins nodded and went to play with their brothers.

The doorbell rang again just when she got to the door, disarming the alarm before opening the door. Upon seeing who it was on the other side Alex wished she didn't opened the door at all.

Standing at the door with his hands in pockets, a backwards hat on was Colby.
Opening his mouth to say something but got beat to the punch by Alex "What the fuck are you doing here?" She whispered shouted she didn't want the kids to hear and come running.

"I needed to come and see you." Colby said "you just seemed to disappeared out of no where last month." Opening her mouth to rip him a new one when she spied movement in the the front seat of Colby's car.

Letting out a unkind laugh Alex spoke again "Of course you brought the troll with you she's attached to you your ass isn't she." Colby stand up straighter at that "Alex please don't call her that." He asked her.

"No I'm not calling her by her name she's either being called troll or homewrecker cause that's what she is." Letting out a sigh Colby shook his head before speaking again "I guess there's no way for us to get pass this and get back together is there?"

Opening and shouting her mouth in shock before saying "There's no way in hell I would ever get back with you Colby especially now since you slept with the troll you probably have some kind of a STDs since she's a slut and slept her way through the male locker room before settling with you I hope she cheat on your sorry ass. Plus I'm happy now and in a new relationship."

Colby turning red at this "You're already in a new relationship who is it?" Feeling tickled by this Alex smirked "That's none of your business who I'm seeing."

Colby went to shove his way through the front door Alex stopped him "You just missed him, he had to catch his flight that's all you getting of him." Colby went to pass Alex again but she shove him out of the way.

"What about the kids?" Colby asked "The kids like him, once again thats none of your business how the kids are they're my kids anyway you didn't want anything to do with them so their none of your concerns if you don't mind I want you to leave my house and never come back."

Before Colby could say a word the front door was slammed in front of his face.

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