Chapter 38

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Alex wakes up to the smell of coffee and food and fingers running gently up and down her spine. Letting out a yawn mixed with a groan, the person next to her chuckles quietly. Alex blinks her eyes open to squint up towards the sound, seeing Nick sitting up in bed beside her, tv remote in one hand and a plate of food, coffee sitting on the nightstand, and smiling down at Alex with warm eyes.

"Hello," She says softly. The way her voice fills up the otherwise quiet room. "Did you sleep well last night?" Nick asked.

Alex smiles and closes her eyes, sighing contently. "Yeah, I always sleep good when you're around." She breathes out and pulls up the blanket, burrowing further into the softness of the sheets before laying her head on Nick's chest. Alex keeps her eyes closed for a bit, while Nick was laying beside her running his fingers through her hair. Squinting up to look at Nick again, watching Nick's profile as he was watching whatever was on the tv. Smiling sleepily, and reaches up a hand to catch Nick's in her hair, bringing it down to her face to kiss the knuckles gentlly. Nick turns his attention to her, smile leaning down to kiss her.

"What time is it?" Alex's voice sounding more awake now.

Nick's eyes look to the night stand.

"Nine ten."

"I brought up some breakfast for you along with some coffee it's in the microwave in the kitchen all you have to do is heat it up, I wanted you to sleep as long as you can." Nick said.

"Ok, thanks babe." Alex say as she roll on her back and stretch before sitting up. She gives a large yawn, feeling her jaw stretch deliciously and shakes her head a bit to clear the sleepiness from her mind. Nick smiles at the whole ordeal and leans over again to kiss Alex's naked shoulder.

Alex sighs before yanking the covers off herself, getting up from the bed and reaching her hands up towards the ceiling for another big stretch. Giving a satisfied groan before relaxing her muscles and looks back at the bed where Nick's gaze was still on her.

"I'm assuming you already ate?" Alex asks, bending over to slip on her pair of shorts and Nick's shirt from last night.

"Yep, you were sleeping so good I didn't want to wake you up." Nick replies, turning his attention back to the tv.

"Kay," Alex mutters, ruffling her hair and starts moving towards the kitchen.

"Oh, babe, can you grab me a bottle of water, please?" Nick quickly asked, blinking up at her with big eyes and a sweet smile.

Alex sighs heavily in a joking manner shaking her head "you're taking lessons in acting innocently from the kids." She replied back.

"Thank you, baby," Nick grins at him, and Alex shakes her head, a smile threaening to break out on her face, before leaving for the kitchen in the other room.

Entering the kitchen, going over to the microwave hitting a minute to reheat the food, walking over to the mini fridge pulling a bottle water out sitting it on the sink to go back over to the microwave to pull out the plate of food then putting the styleform cup of coffee in it for a few seconds, standing there at the microwave to wait for it to heat up grabbing the bottle water, the plate of food and the cup of coffee she just grabbed out of the microwave she made her way back in the room where Nick was at heading him the bottle of water.

Nick is now sitting up against the headboard with his hair up in a low man bun. "Thanks babe," Nick smiles, instantly twisting the lid off the bottle and taking a sip of water.

Alex got back in the bed legs back under the cover she started to eat her breakfast while watching the tv with Nick.

Once Alex was finished with her breakfast plate she placed the empty plate on the bedside table closer to her. As she laid back down on her back, moving her hands back under the cover her hand finds itself on Nick's ribs, moving it up to his sides and leaning in to press a casual kiss to Nick's shoulder, to which Nick just smile.

"When do we have to leave to go the airport?" Alex asked as she leaned her head on Nick's chest.

"In about three hours." Nick replied softly to her. "I probably should start getting ready then." Alex said as she stands up to head into the bathroom.

Alex reemerged from the bathroom an hour later dressed and ready for flight.

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