Chapter 30

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"Oh my goodness it's so good to finally meet you Alex. I'm Joyce and this is my husband Matthew, welcome to our home."

Alex smiled and hugged her back. "It's very nice to meet you too thank you for inviting and having me over."

His dad came around the island and shook her hand. "Hello Alex like Joyce said I'm Matthew but you can call me Matthew or Senior."

"Nice to meet you I probably just call you Matthew so I won't confused myself or anyone else."  Sitting down at the island in the kitchen and began to chat.

"It smells amazing in here mom. What are you cooking?"  Nick asked.

"Meat Loaf, Beef Stew, Fried Chicken, Pork Chops, with Apple Pie, Cheesecake."

She replied looking happy with herself.

"Sounds good can't wait." Alex beamed "especially the cheesecake my favorite."

"I'm sorry that I only got down here now to meet you guys, with me not begin able to wrestle for another company for 90 days, with Nick on a different schedule than me right now and chasing after my four kids I have at home but I'm sure once I join the company with the guys we will come around more often even with kids."  Alex explained to Nick's parents.

"Don't worry about that sweetie Nick told us everything, when he met your kids a few weeks ago he said they were just well mannered, polite and he just adores them. Do you have any pictures of them?"

Joyce replied and asked exhilarated.

"Calmed down sweetheart." Matthew laughed at his wife putting a hand on her shoulder. "That's not even a question you need to ask." Alex replied joking back as she pulled her phone out of her hand bag.

Just as Alex got her phone out the front door opened and closed "Hello fam the better looking brother have finally arrived." Was yelled through the house. A smiling Matt made his way into the kitchen.

Nick and Alex looked at each chuckling, rolling their eyes "why does that sound like my brothers?" Alex asked.

"You have brothers?" Matthew asked. "Not biological their my ex tag team partners, best friends, thorns in my side."

Nick snorted at that "most definitely thorns in your side especially Jon." Nick said "More like a pain in my ass." Alex correct him laughing. Joyce, Matthew Senior and Matt was just staring.

"Long story I explained later." Alex said "anyway here's my two oldest the twins Skyla and Kiara they're five,

don't ask where Skyla got her blonde hair we don't know my exhusband was a brunette, here's my oldest son Kellan

he's three and loves to keep he's hair long and this is my baby boy Alec he's a year in a half."

"Oh my lord aren't they're so precious can't wait to actually meet them. Did you see them honey?" Joyce asked her husband. "Yeah I did my sweets."  Matthew said chuckling at his wife.

They heard the front door opening again "that must be Malaki." Joyce was saying as a somewhat shorter guy walked into the kitchen.

Alex stood up from her chair at the island as she made sure her skirt tall was down "Hi you must be Malaki? I'm Alexandria but everyone calls me Alex it's nice to meet you." She said as she held her hand out instead of shaking her hand Malaki wrapped her into a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too Alex finally Matt and I have a sister to annoyed now." Matt's and Malaki's eyes meet as they share a grin but it didn't go unnoticed by Nick and Alex.

"Oh dear lord help me I already get it with my brothers and best friend now I'm going to get from two more brothers it's official I need more girlfriends to hang around with." Alex joke making everyone laugh.

"So are we all ready to sit down and eat?" Matthew asked a share of yeses was heard around the island. "OK let's all head into the diner room then." Joyce said Nick grabs Alex's hand and lead her into the diner room.

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