Chapter 32

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Nick and I stand there looking at one another in the ring for a few seconds the next thing I knew Nick had me in a hug.

"Surprise baby." I whispered to him as he hugged me. We were caught in the moment for a bit before I spoke up "babe as much as I love standing here hugging you we probably should head back to the locker room."  We pulled away I looked over at Matt and held my arms open for a hug from him and he rushed to hug me too.

Commentator 1: "Whoever this woman is The Bucks know her pretty well."

Commentator 2: "Especially Nick with that hug."

All three of us climbed out of the ring without drawing any attention to our relationship at the time Nick and I walked beside one another to the back.

Once we got back behind the curtain I was pulled into a kiss by Nick. We stood there for several seconds making out when were interrupted by Tyson.

"Alex great speared out there girl."

Pulling away from Nick to speak. "Thank you learned it from Joe he obviously does it way better I normally hit it on women, so I didn't know if I fucked it up hitting it on a guy twice my size or not."

I went to say thank you to Tyson but I was pulled away by Nick to I assumed was his and Matt's locker room.

"Sit here while I go take a shower and don't move." Nick said as he gently pushed me on the couch.

Looking up at him I gave him a salute "Yes sir." He left the main room to go into the bathroom so I kicked back on the couch and wait I wasn't waiting to long when Matt entered the locker room he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Your brother is either holding me hostage or I'm in time out, I haven't quite figured it out yet." I shrugged at him.

Which results him into round of laughter. "I say he's holding you hostage he was really protective of what was his when we were kids." He told me as he sat down beside me on the couch.

I turned to look at him "I hope he knows that I can perfectly take care of myself when needed." I sternly told him. "Oh he knows you can little sis he's just excited to see you tonight he wasn't expecting to see you for another month or so you made he's night."  Matt said giving me a cheesy smile.

Rolling my eyes "That reminds me how did you even get through the security?" We heard Nick asking standing in the doorway between the bathroom and main room.

"Sweet baby Jesus in a manger!"  I said as I jumped in my seat placing a hand over my heart "I'm a little to young to have a heart attack babe, I'm putting a bell on you so you won't sneak up on me anymore." I said "And to answer your question Nick, Tyson helped me he's the only one who knew I was dubuting tonight. And before you asked why I didn't tell you cause I wanted to surprise you."

Nick nodded and made his way over to the couch taking a seat on the other side of me. "Matt you go take a shower so we could leave." Nick told Matt.

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