Chapter 24

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Closeing the door in Colby's face was satisfying feeling to Alex but her happy good day that Nick put her in is long gone from Colby's attribution.

Walking back into the living room where the kids were still playing quietly with each other. Letting out another sigh before speaking "alright my munchkins it's time for you're naps take your toys back up to the playroom then head to your rooms, lay down I be right up to help with whatever you need." Alex tells them.

The kids grabbed the few toys that they were playing with their arms full of toys as they ran up stairs. Alex heard them running into the playroom, door begin slammed then hearing them go into their rooms.

Pinching the top of her nose, letting another sigh out Alex walked upstairs stopping in front of the twins room and going inside the girls were neatly tucked in their beds waiting on Alex she smiled at them as she made her way over to each of their carriage beds bending down giving them each a kiss on their foreheads "sleep tight girls mommy love you two." She told them as she closed their door behind her.

Walking across the hall into the boys room Kellan was already laying down in his racecar bed Alec was standing beside his crib waiting on Alex. Smiling at them she walked over to Alec, and helping him in his crib tucking him in and placing his favorite teddy bear beside him she leaned placing a kiss to his forehead then going over to Kellan's bed where he was watching Alex back her way over to him.

"Hey my little man ready to sleep?" She asked her oldest son "yes." As he gave her a nod tucking him as well and placing a kiss to his forehead she turned around made her way over to the door "sleep well boys mommy love you two." She told them leaving the door slightly ajar as she made her way back downstairs.

Grabbing her phone from where she last put it, going through her contacts she found the person who she wanted to call and clicking on it. It rang a few times before a voive say "Hello?" A gruff says "Joe is Jon there by any chances?" Alex asked after hearing the flat tone in her voice it alerts Joe that something or someone had pissed off his little sis, if she was asking for both him and Jon there's going to be someone dying. "Should I be planning someone funeral?" Joe asks slightly afraid. "It all depends on how much you want your little brother my ex douchbag of a husband to stay alive?" She replied in a nonchalant way.

"I be right back, I'm going to grab our lunatic brother for this. She heard some rustling on Joe's side then some mumbling to one another then Joe was back on the phone "Alright Allie from what our level headed brother told me you're plotting Colby's death she heard Jon's husky voice replied. "Well the dumbass showed up at my front right after Nick left from spending the night. And said I quote that he nedded to see me cause I disappeared out of no where last month".

Alex listening for a second to see if either of her brothers will say something but it seemed like they knew not to say anything until she gets done with her ranting and raving. "Oh that's not even the good part brothers he brought the troll with him to my house at least the ho stayed in the car but any way I went on to ask why he brought the troll with him, he asked me not to call her that I told him that I wasn't going to call her by her name that her name is now is either troll or homewrecker cause that's she is. He then asked if there's a way for us to get pass this and get back together. And I was in shock before I said there's no way in hell I would ever get back with him especially now that he slept with the troll and he probably have some kind of STDs. After she said that she heard a snort then a uncontrollably laughter and she knew that was Jon. Mentally rolling her eyes at her light brown hair brother.

Sighing "Are you done yet Jon she asked him?" Hearing him clear his throat "Yeah sorry Allie I couldn't help it that was just too funny but keep going."

"Ok back to the story I then went on calling her a slut and she probably slept her way through the male locker room before settling with him and I hope she cheat on his sorry ass then I told him that I'm happy now and in a new relationship."

"How did that go?" Joe asked as he chuckled "Oh he turned red then asked who it was I told him that's it was none of his business who I was seeing he then went to try to shove his way through the front door but I stopped him by telling him that he just missed him I didn't tell him who it was he then tried to shove his way through again then have the tenacity to ask about the kids. I told him that the kids likes him and it was none of his business how the kids are that their my kids anyway that he didn't want anything to do with them so they're none of your concerns I then went on to tell him to leave my house and never come back."

She heard a low whistle which she knew belong to Joe "Babygirl don't worry about Colby Jon and I will handle him and I'm sure the girls can handle Becky which I knew he meant by girls was Mercedes (Sasha Banks), Pam (Bayley), Trinity (Naomi) and Alexis (Alexa Bliss) was the only female superstars that I was friends with on the main roster I had a few female superstars I was friends and close with down in NXT.

"When we tell them." Joe contiuned to tell me we talked a bit more about my relationship with Nick then we had to get off the phone since they were going out tonight.

Alex wanted a few more hours before Nick called her to let her know that he made it she went on to tell him what had happened after he left smiling to herself when she heard Nick ranting raving about Colby showing up at her house without him begin there and wanting to knock in out after that convsation was over they talked a bit more about some random shit then call it a night.

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