Chapter 11

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Nick POV

All I wanted was to see Alex again, I'm hoping she will come to ROH it have been a month in half since I've meet her she been on my mind constantly.

We have been talking non stop on the phone and Face time since Fergal have given me her number, today I'm traveling up to San Jose on my day off to spend time with her.

Seeing her again in person, makes me feel giddy as I pulled up to Alex's house I couldn't help admire her house it wasn't to big and it wasn't to small it was just right for a woman with four young children.

Getting out of my car I walked up to the front door and ring the doorbell that's when I heard two children yelling "We got it." I had to chuckle at that must be the twins I thought to myself.

When the door open I seen one blonde and one dark brown little head peeking around the door just as bent down to talk to them. I heard "Skyla Faith, Kiara Dayana how many times have I told you two not to answer the door without me?"

That's when I saw Alex for the first time in a month of half she was coming down the stairs holding hands with a little boy around three years old, was carrying another little boy on her hip. I kept staring at her the whole time she was just gorgeous.

She stepped off the last stair she lead the little boy she was holding hands with over me and smile. "Hi Nick it's so nice to see you again, looks like you meet my twins this is Skyla Faith she patted the little blonde her girl head and this is Kiara Dayana doing the same thing to the dark brown hair little girl.

This is Kellan Christopher pointed down to the little boy who still holding Alex's
hand, looking up at me and this Alec Xavier." Who she was holding on her hip. "Kids this is mommy's friend Nick Massie he's a wrestler like mommy and uncle Jon and uncle Joe." She winked over at me I gave her a confused look.

She walked over closer to me and whispered "I tell you later when there's no little ears around." Smiling at each other.

"What do you want to do?" She asked I shrugged "Whatever you want to do."

"OK just let me send the kids to the playroom in about hour will be nap time for four kiddos." She sang to the kids who was still standing around us.

"Skyla, Kiara could you take your brothers to the other room and play?"

"Yeah sure mommy Kellan go to Kiara, Skyla take Alec." She handed Alec over to Skyla to "Be careful I will come up and get you to lay down in hour for your naps."

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