Fumes of Darkness

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The one who called out her by name

•.•.°.•Fumes of Darkness.•.


Note: This chapter is damn big. Not exactly... well, just kidding. It's 13,879 words, judge yourself. (The previous ones were about 6000. Basically, two chapters into one). So, it would be better to read it in two parts. Worry not, I have made a checkpoint for ya. If you are a long story reader, well then, that's a weakness you don't possess. But let me tell you, it will cost approximately 1 hour or so.


"It's cold..." Hyberion whispers in a low tone. He was sitting by the window in his office at the council. "Maybe it will snow."

Beside him was a desk full of papers. Dark clouds were reigning over the sky for as far as the eye could see, and day was much more like night.

The council was deserted. Not a soul except him. There was no sound and no one roaming in the once busy corridors.

He could hear the silence.

Everyone were given a mandatory leave. Even the sanitary workers were asked to stay at their homes.

For... this man knew what the future holds for the council and him.


A creaking sound suddenly filled the room as the door to Hyberion's office opened.

Hyberion glanced at the one who opened it and sighed. He stood up off his chair next to the window and turned towards this person.

A dark shadowy aura had his body covered. Except for a grin on his face, nothing was visible.

Hyberion glances at the window again. Winds were starting to increase their pace, blowing over the fields that surrounded the building. He takes a brief look at his room before closing his eyes.

The man who was standing at the door leans against the wall. "You seem surprising calm. So does this building. I don't think I ever informed you about my arrival... not having anyone except a pale man to welcome me sounds rude. Where's my tea?"

With a smile, Hyberion mumbled, "Is this good enough... Eisenburg Merculous?"


Cyanbell unsheathes her sword and keeps its tip on the chin on the king. Naturally, he frowns a little, backing his neck away. But Cyanbell simply moves her sword forward, again on the chin.

Akira had made everyone, the king, princess, Arcadios, and Darton wake up. But all of their senses were dulled. So, they were more like bugs right now.

"Man, in this condition, they all look so cute♡" Cyanbell smiles keeping her sword back in her sheath. She then says while looking at Hisui. "This girl in particular is a beauty."

"Yes!" Akira says playfully circling around Cyanbell.

"Akira!" Yukio sighs, calling out for her sister. She was sitting on a couch near the main sofa, the sofa on which the royals were sitting, handcuffed.

"You should take care of her." Kin whispers to Yukio as Akira comes back running to him instead. He was standing beside the couch. "She shouldn't run around like this, what if she trip over and injures herself?"

The words of Hisaki, "You are a bad sister!" with his annoying laugh pop into the head of Yukio. She flatters and looks away, "Akira is thirteen."

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