Chapter 4

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I didn't realize I had been crying until a pair of strong familiar arms wrapped around me tightly from behind me. The scent of that perfume I had missed so much evolved all around me. The touch of comfort and security was so familiar. It was Liam! Quickly turning around, I slammed my numb body into him and just cried.

I was now sobbing hard, one because I had missed him so much and because everything else just sucks.
"Hey, hey, it's alright...I'm here now calm down, shush." His smooth-voiced spoke, automatically easing up some stress away. Liam is my boyfriend. He travels a lot which is why I bearly talk about him.

Liam has been with me throughout my entire journey. When it was all roses and blues he was there, and when things took the wrong twist...well, he's still here. The work he does keeps him preoccupied the majority of the time. But at the least given time, he tries so hard to make up for the lost time.

"How did you know?" I asked after I pulled away from his embrace.
"I had gone straight to your house the moment I landed in town, Mr Will explained what had happened and I came as soon as possible."

He explained in his smooth tone. Liam is a tall young man. Only a couple of years older than I am. He is a bit masculine and built slightly. His black, perfectly gelled wavy hair glinted above his forehead, and his grey eyes held genuine concern.

He had a large square jaw. Liam is a physically stupendous specimen.
"How is Miss Melissa doing now?"
"The doctor said she would be better in a couple of days...go on inside, I was just going to get some water."

"Alright, take care of yourself," He kissed my forehead and disappeared into the room. I looked around a bit for the cafeteria, when I finally found it, I bought a few drinks for all of us and returned to the ward.

"I got some water, would you like some mom?" I asked her as Kim grabbed a fruit punch.
"Yes." She responded, then turned to Liam.
"How has work been, Liam?" She smiled. 
"It's been good, a little stressful but mainly good." Barely into their catch-up, the doctor came into the room.
He handed the medical bill to me.

One glance at the bill and I knew I was cornered. I knew I couldn't get that much money. I have potentially lost my job at the Library and now a medical bill worth $1,000.
Liam noticed I had frozen and looked at the bill. "Let me have that," He said seizing the slip away from me.
I wanted to object but there was no point in doing so with someone like Liam.

"By the end of tomorrow, you should be able to get a discharge slip." The doctor whose name I learnt is Todd said.
"That's good news," Mom spoke with a light smile. After a couple of checkups, DR Todd left and Liam followed behind him.

"I hate him." Kim blurted out. I didn't have to think deep to know who she was talking about. Kim has never liked Liam.  Not even for a minute. "Kim, Liam has been nothing but nice to you all the time. I don't know why you are being so childish!" I said, rolling my eyes in the process.

"April, he's so creepy. He's never around and to top it up, everything about him just screams weird."
"Kim you know that's not true!"

"It's true, don't be blinded by love..."

"And just what exactly do you know about love? huh! What do you think, that this is some high school drama?"

"Girls, please! You'll give me another heart attack if you don't stop arguing with each other, and Kim be nice to Liam"
Kim just rolled her eyes and huffed loudly.

This is usually how we get whenever Liam is around.

I didn't have to go to the library to know that I had been fired. I had earlier received a direct email informing me of the many young unemployed people who would value what I've neglected. I had no one but that monster of a man to blame.

I was still getting over the fact that someone can be so heartless. An absolute opposite to Liam.  Speaking of which, he had paid for the entire hospital bill two days ago. Of course, I considered it a loan.
The meeting with the devil was at exactly 9:00 am. To be on the safer side, I arrived at the venue thirty minutes earlier.

It was a classy restaurant uptown in West Boston. I have honestly never been inside such an expensive eatery before. it was my first time so I was so shocked when I saw how much their food costs.

They had fancy-looking chairs and tables and well they had a classy audience. Well except for me. While people around my table were dressed in designer clothes, I was dressed in a hoodie and sweat pants.
I didn't really care much about all that, I was more worried about the devil.

Honestly, I had to admit that all this is the result of my loudmouth.

Speak of the devil and he appears. I watched with disinterest as he walked towards the table I was sitting in. There was nothing on the table. I couldn't even order their water because I found it over-priced.

"And I always brag about being on time." He said, but I didn't find any humour in his statement. I kept a straight face regardless.

"You said you'd drop all charges against me if I show up. Here I am, where is the Officer."
I inquired.
"I've dropped all the charges already, actually, I did that yesterday,"

"How much do I owe you then?! Just so you know, I have just lost my job all because of this so-called meeting. Do you have any idea what that means to the lives of my family? I'm sure you don't, and probably don't care."

I didn't mean to come on him like that but I just couldn't hold back.
As much as I tried to hold back the tears building up, the more I knew that I was failing.

"I care," He said. 

"And the reason why I insisted on this meeting is to apologize for what happened to your mother." The difficulty with which he 'apologised' only angered me more.

"You don't have to pay for anything. Where do you work? I'll get you back on the job..."

"I don't need your sympathy! And of course, I will pay you for the damage I caused, even if it will cost me my entire life's savings."

I was furious! What does he take me for, a beggar? We might be poor, but the last thing we are not is beggars.

Here's another chapter for your hungry eyes. So April decided to actually meet up with Wilders, I'm still wishing her luck. Please be aware that I'll be updating frequently so don't mind the length of the chapter.
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