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As I cried my eyes out, I felt a body behind me but I ignored it until I saw Wilders sitting next to me. I jumped in in fear and glanced up at him.

"I'm sorry I scared you." He stated simply. I wanted to ask him what he was doing here and how he knew I was here but I couldn't find the energy to argue with him.

So I ignored him and cried silently again. Only this time, I felt his arms curling around my body, drawing me closer until my face was buried in his neck.

I needed comfort anyways, so I did nothing to protest. I just allowed him to console me.

"I don't know what you're going through but I just want you to know that everything happens for a reason." He said softly, stroking my arm soothingly.

"I trusted him with my life, but he broke my heart. He's the father of another woman's baby." I blurted out of the blue sobbing harder than before.

"That's a lot to take in. He's an idiot to cause you such pain."

"It's his loss, or yours. You don't have to cry April."

"It just hurts so much, I can't believe he's been lying to me all this while." I was still in his arms while he held me gently.

His shirt was all wet from my tears but I couldn't even care less anymore.

After crying for an entire hour, I figured it'll be best if I went back home.

Mom probably thinks I'm at Liam's but little does she know about this profound pain I'm going through.

I pulled myself up from his arms and stood to my feet, my cheeks were still tear-stained.

"Um, thanks f_for your time..."

"Hey, don't mention it. We all have our hard times. Even though you try to hide it, I know you have a soft spot. You helped me when I needed it, just assume in returning a favour."

Nodding slightly, I used my palm to wipe away my stained cheeks. I noticed Wilders was dressed casually, which was rare because he's always in a suit and tie.

He was in regular Calvin Klein sweat pants and a plain shirt which was now all wet at the chest area.

"I'm sorry for your shirt."

"Oh, I don't mind. Do you want me to drop you home?" He asked with a warm smile.

"Thanks, but I_ I drove here. My car is parked over there." I said pointing at the far distance where my old car stood. 

Wilders walked me to my car and waited for me to take off but my truck decided now of all the time to mess with me.

He tapped on the window gaining my attention. I slide down the glass and tried not to look too frustrated.

"Having a problem?"

"Yeah, I don't know why it doesn't want to start up..." I tried one more time but it just didn't budge at this point.

"I guess I'll be needing a ride after all," I admitted in a low voice.  I noticed a quick change in Wilders' mood but I didn't think too much about it.

"With pleasure." He said.

I got out of my car and walked with him to where he parked his car.
He had parked it on the main road.

"So, you've been coming here?" I asked once he started towards town. Wilders gave me a side glance and shook his head.

"No, I discovered this place today. I think it's beautiful, you've known this place for a while I'm guessing." He answered with a rhetorical question.

"Yeah, Miley and I have been coming to this place ever since we discovered it years ago. Well, we don't visit a lot during the winter."

"Yeah, the weather is pretty harsh around this side of the city." He agreed.

"But it's different during the summertime. The melodies of the birds just ease stress in seconds." I said turning to look at Max only to find him already looking at my face.

I became a little uncomfortable with his piercing glare and looked out at the flying trees.

"I can just imagine, what? so this is now like our secret hideout?" He glanced at me sideways.

"Well, depends on you, if you don't tell anyone about it, it can become."

That was what closed our little chat until we got back into town. I glanced at my phone and it was 8:36 PM. 

For some weird reason, all the hatred I feel towards Wilders disappeared. I was pissed off with his presence like I usually was. I didn't know what it meant but I wasn't in the right state of mind to actually care.

All this while, Max kept stealing glances my way until we were in front of my house. 

"Here we are, safe and sound." He said turning his whole body to face me. 

"Um, thanks for today, I really needed someone to talk with..."

"I know, I happen to be there at the moment. I get it, this doesn't have to mean anything." Max said but it was more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah, let's keep this between us. Just so you know, this doesn't still change how I feel about you." I don't know why I said that, cause it's not as if Wilders would go around telling everyone at his meetings that I broke down and cried in his arms.

"Wow, within a day and I already have two of your secrets." I looked at him.

"Yeah, the secret hideout and now no one should know we're friends." He said nonchalantly.

"Whoa, we're not friends Wilders," I said with a frown. 

"But last time I checked, we were having a good time together. Rolling my eyes, I pulled the door open and stepped out of his expensive car.

" Goodbye Wilders," I said and walked inside my house.

"Hey,  April! I'm so glad you're back. you're going to work right? The boys and I have a huge party plan,"

"Kimberly, please can we talk about it tomorrow? I'm exhausted."

She looked disappointed but nodded her head anyway.

Kim and the tend have become more like best friends since they met. They hung out 24/7.

After school each day, the twins made it a duty to drop her off even though they don't go to the same school. Mom and Mark's relationship is gradually becoming something official.

It's good to see mom happy again after years of loneliness.

When I got inside my room, I closed the door and collapsed on my bed.

Crying isn't gonna solve anything, I thought. Being strong was my only alternative. Just like Max said, it's his loss.

Kindly vote and comment on your favourite part. Love y'all.

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