Chapter 19

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9:00 PM rolled up so fast. Mom had made a list of just five of her friends. I knew almost all of them except for the guy named Mark. I called that number last because I didn't know him.

The person picked up on the first ring when I called. 

"Hello," the man said in a husky voice which was so smooth. I tried to recognize the voice but I failed.

"Hi, I'm April, Melissa's daughter...she listed you as one of her friends she wants to be part of a surprise we're throwing for her tomorrow."

"Oh, hi April, how are you doing." Okay, seems like this person knows me.

"I'm fine Sir, you know I haven't actually recognised who I'm talking with," I admitted.

"Oh, we met at the central park some weeks ago...Mel and I have been hanging out since then."

"Oh, Mark...sorry.." I mentally face palmed as realisation hit me hard.

"Don't worry about it, so what's this whole surprise thing about?" He asked.

"We're opening a bakery in her name tomorrow but she has no clue about it. I just wanted a few of her friends to celebrate with her. You happen to be one of her listed friends." I couldn't help the excitement I was feeling knowing that mom was hanging out with a man.

Making a mental note to tease her later, I chuckled.

"Oh, I see. So I'm supposed to keep this from her? Like a secret?" He inquired sounding amused, to say the least.

"Exactly... it's at 12:30 pm tomorrow. I'll text the address to you right away."

"Alright April, oh and can I come with my boys?" He hesitated.

"Why but of course, you can Mark, they're welcome. Mom wouldn't mind either."

"Yeah, she's been wanting to meet them on the contrary."

"Well, then I guess it's all been worked out,  see tomorrow you tomorrow Mark."

"Alright, have a good night April." When I hung up, I grabbed my work bag and headed out. 

Mom was seated on the couch when I got down.

"Mom you've been dating behind our back?!" I exclaimed dramatically as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

As if she had expected that reaction, she simply rolled her eyes at me. 

"Mark and I are just friends."

"Oh, I see how it is. So hanging out together alone is classified as..."

"You're gonna be late if you don't leave."  She was right on that but there was no way I was skipping this chance to tease her.

"This conversation isn't over." With that said, I headed to work and waited eagerly for the next day to roll over fast.

I had gotten everyone at the bakery before 1:00 PM. Mark had arrived with two boys who were twins, or so I assumed, they were his kids. Did they look Kim's age or older? I brushed off my curious mind thoughts and welcomed them with a bright smile.

"Thank you all for being able to make it here today. If you are here then it only means that you are a very close friend to my mom, and if you're close to her you'll know how baking is almost a part of  her being."

"I took this bold step of buying this bakery in her name to help get her back on track. She's gonna be here any moment, please help me show her some love when she does." There was a round of applause after my little speech. There weren't many people. 

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