Chapter 24

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I pinched my arm to see if I was dreaming and unfortunately I wasn't.

At this point, I comprehended that I couldn't breathe. Liam's pictures were scattered across the T.V.  The man Liam once introduced me to as his boss at the construction firm was said to be the gang leader.

I watched as the cops question him, and the more he spoke, the more I became dizzy and lightheaded. Mom's grip tightened around my arm.

There was only one thing running through my mind. Liam was being chased by the police.  At this moment, I just wished I was dead.

"I always had a bad feeling about him," Kim spoke causing mom to yell at her.

"Kim this isn't the right moment to be using such words. You're supposed to console your sister, not remind her of the pains."

"She's right mom, I should have listened. Miley warned me against Liam and I got mad at her for it. This is all my fault I was so naïve and childish."

I'm responsible for my pains. I should have been smarter than this. No man would agree to that pathetic decision I had made with Liam. Things do not work that way anymore.

"Honey don't say that, stop being so hard on yourself. Remember that everything happens for a reason...Calm down." Mom said, in an attempt to calm me.

"Listen to April, Liam is not worth your tears." Kim was never a fan of Liam, even when no one suspected him to be a criminal...

"So what you're saying Mrs Lucas is that you've been the girlfriend of Liam Preston for five years and not for a moment did you ever suspect that he's involved in any criminal acts?" The hairy officer in charge of Liam's case asked me for what felt like the tenth time since I was called to the East Boston police station.

"Officer I will repeat, Liam was very wise on his plans, I never for once suspected him. Not even when my best friend and her boyfriend told me they had a suspicion. Liam never showed that part of his life to me."

I spoke again, repeating the same sentence I had been saying since the time I got here.

It's been exactly two weeks since Liam escaped from the Boston police. I was called for questioning obviously and I'm becoming very irritated by this cop.

"Alright Mrs Lucas, I would like for you to think a bit deep, apart from Liam's family we've just contacted, has he ever
spoke of any other relative?"

"Not that I can remember, he hasn't."

"Anywhere you believe he could be at this moment." He continued.

"Liam has always talked about travelling to London with me on our honeymoon after marriage. I also know that he used to work in Atlanta before he moved to Chicago." I answered, as memories of him and I flashed through my head.

"Alright, so what about that woman you spoke of? The one you believe works with Liam."

"Well as I said early on, Liam and I were together at his mini condo at West Boston, she had kept calling on his phone none stop while he was in the shower.  So I picked up and informed whoever that he was in the shower, and that was when she told me she was outside the door. She told me her name is Wendy and she also showed me an engagement ring on her figure. She was also pregnant and her belly looked old to be seven months." I narrated as the officer occasionally jotted some points on a book.

"Thank you for your patience, Mrs Lucas, Our security team has your family protected you don't have to worry about anything at all. And before I forget, we'll need a detailed description of this Wendy you spoke about. It was a pleasure talking with you."

"Same here officer." I lied through my teeth.
I shook his hand and walked out of his office to meet with Mark. He was on duty at this station and is also involved in Liam's case.

"You alright?" He asked giving me a quick hug.

"Yes, I'll live. But the officer said I have to describe Wendy."

"Yes, right that way...just make sure to tell them everything you know. We can't leave him in the open for a long time."

"Thanks, I'll do my best." I walked into the room and said everything I saw on Wendy's face. How big her stomach was,  the length of her hair and what colour it was. I also told them the kind of clothes she was wearing.

"Per your description, this is what our artist came up with." A woman came in holding a portrait of Wendy. It was exactly her and for a second, I was so surprised.

"Yes, that's her..." I said.

"Thank you miss April."

"You're welcome."

After I had said goodbye to Mark, I drove straight to south of the city to see my dad.
I haven't visited him for a while now, and I started to miss him. Three months was long enough.

As the cold air blew into my worn-out car,  shivered slightly. Cursing at the fact that my heater had been completely condemned three weeks ago when after it had broken down.

And the fact that I paid three thousand dollars for that particular repair still annoys the shit out of me.

When I finally got to the cemetery, I parked at a safe distance and walked toward where my father's grave lay.

The snow had become hard on the once soiled land. Usually, I sat on the green grass right next to the concrete, but since it's winter there are no green grasses and it's impossible to sit.

I remained in a standing position as I gently placed the flowers I had brought for him on his headstone.

"Hey Dad, I don't know if you can feel it but it's winter. I'm sorry I haven't been here to see you. I've been battling with a lot of issues lately you know. The good news is, mom finally has her bakery. I know, it's by the grace of God. The bad news is, that Liam is being chased by the FBI. He's not who you thought he was dad. He's a filthy criminal. I wish you were here daddy, I need your presence. I miss you Dad."

I used my gloved hand to wipe away my tears away as I continue my conversation with my dad. 

"Kim is hyper as always. She's almost in her senior year. Oh, I almost forgot, Mom, is seeing this nice guy, Mark. Don't worry he's a good gentleman, I did my investigations on him. Mom is finally moving on, I know it's what you've always wanted. That's basically what is going on in our lives at this moment. I know dad,  prayers will solve our problems...but it's hard sometimes. And about my love life, I'm taking a break on that one too. I'm in my final year and I think I should be more focused to get my degree successfully. When that's done, I'll decide If I want to play with love anymore."

It had started snowing again and I glanced at my phone and realised that I had spent two solid hours already.

"Dad the weather is pretty harsh these days. I have to go if I don't want to get sick. I promise I'll visit more often from now onwards, goodbye dad."

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