Chapter 7

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"Are all stock intact?" Wayne asked as he observed the different beverages which had yet to be touched.
" Yes sir, those were delivered two days ago," I answered politely. I never asked, but I've always assumed Wayne would be about twenty-five years old. He looks good. A fine gentleman, sadly not my type.

"I've ordered in another stock, it should last a week. I'll be going out of town again." He said.

"That's alright, we'll manage smoothly. Don't worry."

"I know, you and your team are doing extremely well, you've run BOTS so well I'm impressed. Keep it up." Wayne stated, giving me a reassuring nod.

"Thank you, sir. We're doing our best, the rest of the credit goes to the Bostonians, they're the real deal. They keep us running."

That was the real reason. The people of Boston love BOTS and that is the secret behind its success. The majority of the fan base was from Massachusetts. A few New Yorkers and some foreigners.

"I'll be away for approximately two weeks, Marcus will be around though, so you can count on him for anything."

"Yes sir."

"April, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'sir', you're my little sister's best friend. Don't be too formal."

"I'm sorry sir...I mean Wayne, it's just that I'm not used to calling you by that, but I'll try." I said with a slight smile.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it." With this, Wayne was out. I returned behind the counter and helped Lauren out from the angry clients.
Our regular clients run tabs. It's easier running a tab but, you'd have to be very conscious of the number of glasses client orders. This will prevent you from giving free drinks to people.

With these sixteen years olds who pretend to be twenty-one, they just pay as they go. As I had stated early on, In Boston, what is written down matters. So if a kid shows a fake ID stating he's a twenty-one, then he's twenty-one.

At the end of the night, I collected all the tabs and the scale was enormous.

"Hey April, do you have a minute to spare?" Lauren called behind me when I had almost stopped a cab to sit in. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her.
Getting a cab around this side to my side of town can be very stressful most of the time. My car was my escape but oh well, it just had to break down.

"Yeah, sure...what's up."

"Look, I don't want whatever I'm gonna say now to ruin our relationship. I hope you understand,"

"What is it? You're scaring me."

"You have to promise me first, you won't get mad at me."

"Fine! I promise, now what Is it?"

"Do you like Wayne," She asked hesitantly.

"What? Excuse me, Wayne, as in our boss?" I questioned frantically.

"Yeah, look you don't have to hide it. I've seen the way he talks to you, and he literally considers you the manager here since he discusses the affairs of the bar with you. Marcus, the manager isn't even that popular like you are..."

"Hold up! whoa, what're you even talking about? Lauren that is not true at all. Wayne's interactions with all his workers remain the same. And of course, I don't like him! goodness," I was cut off guard by all this. What's making Lauren think that way?

"April, I know what I'm talking about. I've seen how he looks at you with those dreamy, and adoring eyes." Right now, I couldn't believe what was happening.

"I just can't stand seeing him look at you in that manner. I like him April, like a lot."

So Lauren has just admitted that she's in love with our boss. Cringe. 

"Look Lauren, I'm sorry if you felt hurt all this time, but in all honesty, It's not what you're thinking it is. Wayne is like a brother to me, I don't know about him, but he probably sees me as a sister too."

"Really, you don't have any feelings for him?! Like zero emotions?" She asked.

"Zero emotions. Oh, and I have a boyfriend
if that should give you a bit of ease. Wayne is all yours to fight for." I assured her with a light chuckle.

"You have a boyfriend, wait how come I've never met him"

"He works out of town," I responded in a small tone.

"Well I sure do wish to meet him soon...and April, I'm for bringing up this awkward conversation, I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship."

"Oh you will soon enough, and not at all, you had to ask..."

"Thanks, now I'm embarrassed. You know my little secret."

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me... I should really head home now, I'll see you later."

"See you later April," After our goodbyes, I headed north as the October breeze hit my face. I hailed a passing cab and thankfully, he stopped and I got in.

"Downtown, Lexington Street."I read out my direction and he took off immediately.

Honestly, I was still a bit surprised at Lauren's outburst. I mean there's no way in hell that Wayne likes me. We've only ever talked about work. Unless of course, I get invited to one of their family gatherings by Miley. How could he even like someone like me?

In less than five minutes, the taxi pulled up in front of my house. As I walked towards the pitch-black house, I could already tell that everyone is asleep.

The loud beeping from my phone interrupted the silent atmosphere in the living room. Pulling it out of my pockets, I saw that it was Liam's call. Of course, he's now returning my call from earlier today.

" April," He said my name as soon as I answered.


"I'm sorry I'm now calling back. I was so busy, and I'm sorry I left again. I promise I'll be back as soon as the job is done."

I let out a huge sigh and rolled my eyes.

"Fine! you're impossible to stay mad at. Be safe though...I love you." I spoke calmly.

"I will, and I love you too...You just got back from work right" He asked.

"Yeah, I just got home. We should probably talk later."

"Sounds like a good idea, have a good rest alright,"

"Bye Liam." After I hung up, I went into my room and changed to bed.

But could you guys imagine Wayne in love with April, damn...I'm probably tripping, don't mind me.
But anyway ya'll, please vote and share your thoughts.

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