Chapter 14

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My prayer had finally been answered. It was over. My day at BOTS had finally ended. I quickly changed from my uniform to the casual clothes that I carry along with me. I usually like exiting from the back door at closed hours because I hate it when I interrupt the cleaner's job at the main fort.

I know that feeling where you clean and someone messes it up. It's annoying, so I choose to go through the back door instead.
Reaching my vehicle, I noticed a brand new Mercedes Benz parked near my old Nissan Salon truck. For a moment I assumed perhaps Wayne had gotten a new car, but I remembered that I had seen him leave nearly three hours ago.

Deciding to check the car out, I noticed Wilders sleeping in the car. But why would he be sleeping here? I saw him walk out with Wayne a long while ago, I had no idea he hadn't left.

I also noticed that he didn't have a driver, which is so unlike him. Considering the little time I've known him.  Ignoring him, I slipped into my truck and fixed the keys into the ignition but just as I'm about to take off, there was a tab on my window startling me at the moment. Glancing up a little, I saw that it was Wilders.

Instantly l became angry at the sudden nerve of him to distract me. I hesitantly rolled down the window giving him an obvious glare. One he knew so well.

"What!" I roared but that didn't prevent him from popping his head into the car causing me to lean away from him. The nerve of him.

"I was waiting for y_you."  After that statement, I realized that he was drunk. His breath smelt like alcohol and I didn't need an expert to prove that he was dead drunk.

For the first time, I was confused around him. I didn't know how to act.

"I figured that I won't be able to drive myself n this state, so I decided to wait until you finish your shift and give me a ride."    He was definitely drunk. The slur was now very obvious in his husky tone.

"Let me get this straight, you mean you've been waiting for me for the past three hours to finish my shift and drive you home? That's pathetic,"  I spoke trying so hard not to become pissed off by his blunt lie.

"Well, technically, I was waiting while sipping lightly on not less than two short vodka bottles."

"Shit" I curse out loud.

"yeah, I would curse too if I were in your place."

I backed my head away from him since his breath was so bad.

"You've got to be kidding me." I finally let out.

"I wish I was." He slurred.

"I'm not taking you home. Call your family or your workers to come to get you," I was blunt with him. There was no way I'd help him, not after all that drama he has added to my life these past few weeks.

"If you could just back off, I'd like to leave now, it's already way past my closing time," I observed the streets and it was as noisy and carefree as always. People went about their businesses without giving a second thought to what time it is.

"You can't leave me alone here. My driver is on his off days, my Grandma and my sister are probably asleep_"

"Bravo! what a great story, but guess what I'm not buying any of that bullshit. You can burn in hell Wilders." Starting my car for the second time at this time, I spoke again.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a home to get to."

"No, you can't leave me here!" He raised his slurred voice a bit. I was gradually becoming impatient with him.

"Look here Mr Wilders, I don't have the time for all what you're doing. If this is another act to get a reaction from me, well sorry but you aren't getting anything." I fired at him with a wild stare.

"Well technically, you're giving me a reaction but that's not the reason. I don't think I can properly control a car myself, at this moment." He slurred again, not for a second withdrawing himself away from my car window.

"Listen, your car is right there and way cooler than my old hack here. Just go home with your car Max." I spoke, this time sounding a little helpless due to the patience I'm gradually losing. 

I wasn't even sure if he understood what I was saying because he's eyes were barely open or alive.

"I can't drive." He finally blurted out sounding a bit harsher this time.

"Well, you can call your driver to come and get you!"

"I already told you that he's off work today. But if you insist fine, I'll drive home by myself,"

Thank goodness. I didn't think he'd move away anytime soon.

I watch him walk away from my car finally allowing some fresh air to hit my face. He was balancing side to side. And for a moment I thought if it was a good idea to allow him to drive in that condition.

I watched closely at how he fumbled with his car keys until he was able to pull it open. He really can't drive.  I was thinking deeply as I watched him, what if I give in and he admits that this was another act for his play?

Oh come on April, he can't possibly be pretending to be drunk. My inner voice spoke sternly to me.

Why can't Wilders just leave me the hell alone?  Releasing a long heavy sigh, I voiced out his name causing him to look in my direction.

"Get in." It was all it took to get him to stop fighting with his Benz and dash forward to my scraps of a car.

"Where do you live?" I asked not sparing him a glance, but I felt his barely open eyes on me regardless.

"Flush Hills, tenth street." I wasn't surprised he lived in one of Boston's luxurious neighbourhoods.

Only wealthy people can afford houses at that end. Sparing him a glance, I noticed he had passed out completely.


This day just keeps getting worse. 

Way to go April, you've got a drunk and completely passed out a man in your car. The same man who was responsible for the loss of your job just to list a few.

I snapped out of my sarcastic banter with my mind and called him again.

"Wilders!" I called again, slightly shaking him with my free hand as the other one held firmly on the steering wheel.

He was out.

I panicked and quickly grabbed a bottled water from the cup holder and drizzled it on him. The cold water brought out a reaction but he was out as soon as he came.

Oh my God! Wilders is something else I tell you.
Do think April should have left him there?
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Please, see you in the next chapter.

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