Chapter 39

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After dinner, I offered to help Dora and Jessy to clean but they plainly rejected my offer. Max led me into a lounge which had a 72 inches LED TV on the wall.  Truthfully, I'm impressed. The whole house is very impressive.

I made myself comfortable on a couch as Max strolled on Netflix to get us something to watch. "So, bear or wine?" Max asked his eyes still glued to the TV screen.

"Italian wine?" I asked with a smirk and Max glanced at me with a chuckle escaping his lips. 

"Well, I have that too...that wine has your soft spot."

"I already told you." I grinned.

"I'll be right back." He said and headed towards the direction of the kitchen. In a flush, he was back with a huge and expensive bottle of Red wine and a long tin of Pringles.

I helped him place it on the table. He grabbed two glasses and poured out the drink into them. I immediately took a sip of mine and was impressed at the quality wine.

"So, Miss April Lucas…comedy or blockbuster?"Max asked me as he again flipped through Netflix. 

I low-key thanked my stars he didn't add romance to the options, considering the tension between us. I don't think either of us could handle it.

"All time comedy_have you seen Tall Girl?" I asked. "Yep, that was a really good one."

"You bet! What about Hotel Transylvania Tranformania? Uuuhhhh, that one was so good."

"I've seen the trailer but I haven't watched it yet." He replied.

"Great, well let's see it." We settled down and watched the movie. Occasionally sipping wine and chewing pieces of Pringles. Laughing at funny scenes now and then. By the time the movie ended, Max and I had finished half of the bottle and had run out of Pringles.

"Now that is what a good movie is," I said looking up at Max. He was seated on the couch while I sat beneath him on a comfy rug. "Yeah, I'm probably gonna see it in 3D."

"You should…" I whispered.

"Do you want more wine?" Max asked.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?"

"Depends, do you wanna get drunk?..." He asked with a slight smirk. Shaking my head at his silliness, I adjusted myself and looked at him.

"Max you know this is the furthest I've ever drunk… "

"Yeah, I'm impressed though… you're handling it just fine, almost like a pro." I laughed a bit at the hidden sarcasm behind his words. Then, I felt my bladder tighten and I knew I had to use the bathroom.

"I have to use the bathroom, Max," I spoke, gaining his attention. He nodded and stood up.

"Come with me." He said. And I silently followed him up very large stairs designed with modern marble.

We walked past a couple of rooms before he finally opened a white door and walked in. I followed behind him.

I was rendered speechless at the site of the room. I immediately assumed that it was his room. At the far left corner, there stood a very huge bookshelf containing numerous novels. Some of which I knew very well because they were his books.

I still hate to admit that I'm a sucker for his work. His comforter was king size and it stood right at the top of the room. His room was quite plain, it suits him though. The Dull colours match his mood most of the time.

"If you're done looking, that's the bathroom door, and I'll be waiting in the Longue," Max spoke and pulled me out of my daze. I heard the door shut so I assumed he had returned to the lounge.

I quickly did my hygiene routine and walked towards the mirror on the wall. I looked at my reflection and realized my hair was a mess. I quickly tried to straighten it up with my fingers.

I managed to get it a bit tamed, I looked normal, just a bit laid off. Then it hit me that I was taking too long in here so I walked back to the lounge. Wilders was now on the floor and had the remote control in his hands.

I sat next to him and turned my focus to the TV. I felt his eyes on me but I ignored it. "Do you wanna get drunk?" Max asked with a slight smirk.

"No, I'm not getting drunk Max, I drove here. But if you want we can have a few more sips." I said back. Max was flirting with me I didn't know how to react to that.

"Good idea, how about another movie…" Max whispered lowly but made sure I still heard him. 
"That sounds like a good idea but, it's pretty late now so I guess that can wait for another day."  I smiled slightly at the frown that had formed on Max's face.

"Oh come on April, it's only 1:30 Am… "

"Exactly the reason why I have to get going, but, we can do this some other time… I promise I'll squeeze time." Max looked at me for a long minute before sighing.

"Fine! But we're hanging out again!"
"If you insist," I said with a chuckle.

Max walked me out to my car. I couldn't say goodbye to Dora and Jessy because they had gone to bed earlier.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay driving back? I mean I can take you… "

"Max really, come on I close at 2:30 Am every day at BOTS."

" Whoa, I see you hardcore woman…" He said causing us both to laugh.

"Thanks for tonight Max, I haven't had this fun in a while."

"No, thank you for coming, it means a lot."
"I'll see you around." I finally said as I got into my car. Max Waved at me as I drove off. 

Spring had fully set in and it felt good to see fresh leaves growing. My internship is still pending since I have no idea where I want to do it. And honestly, it's frustrating.

Miley on the other hand, had already signed a contract with one of Wayne's business partners who manages a town bank. The whole pregnancy news wasn't a shock to her parents and they took it quite well. They had no problem so long as she doesn't drop out.

Wayne had hired five other workers within this month and it felt good to be running shifts. I need the money and I'll only be able to get it when I work at BOTS and since I'll have to enroll in a late internship, I won't get paid. So you can do the math.

It was a typical Saturday morning and we all went out to Mom's bakery. There wasn't much work to be done since Mom has more workers now. She's been working on improving her menu for a while now. She's planning on adding Pizza and Tacos. It's a great idea that will gain her more customers and probably get her pro.

"Hey, I didn't know you are friends with Jessy," I said to Kim who was busy moulding up the dough.

"Where do you know Jessy?" Kim asked me in return and I was speechless for a while. If I say I went to Max's she's probably gonna tease me. Crap!

I'm sorry for not being consistent with updates...
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