Chapter 8

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Before I climb into my medium-sized bed, I knelt and closed my eyes with my hands up in the position of prayer. Then, I recited the one prayer that I've always said. 'Dear Lord, I come to you as I am. Protect my living family and give them long life, wherever my father is, I wish him extreme comfort and goodwill Amen.'

I then climbed under my blankets and closed my eyes for slumber to take over me. The morning was peaceful when I woke up the following day, so I concluded a run would be a good idea.

Usually in Boston, it was either winter or humid. Except for a brief respite during the fall. But, today was the perfect day. I pulled in sweat pants and a T-shirt, and then I slide on some old beat-up vans.

Mom was brewing Coffee when I got downstairs. "Morning mom! Care to join me for a run? think you can handle being young again for thirty minutes?" I teased, this should definitely get her to join me.
Mom likes challenges a lot, she would literally put in all her best.

"Is that a challenge?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Would you accept it then if it was?" I retorted with a lazy smile on my lips.

"A challenge it is then...give me a few minutes to get changed. I'll show you that none of these wrinkles matter."

"Uuu, I'm so scared." I joked as mom headed upstairs, probably to change.

As we trotted towards the central park, mom started picking up speed.
"Whoever gets to the north side of the park first wins the challenge!" Mom spoke already halfway through the park.

"Hey! Mom that's not fair," I yelled as I hastened up my pace but it was impossible to catch up with her. I just let her win. Panting so hard, I gave up running and continued the race walking since I'd lost already.

From the distance, I saw mom had reached our finish line and had company with her. As I got nearer, I noticed that her company was a man. probably the same age as mom or older. This man seemed to be a very funny person since mom was laughing so hard at something I'm assuming he said.

When I finally got a clear view of both of them, I examined the features of the gentleman. He was tall, built to a moderate appeal and had a perfect smile. He was dressed in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt with some regular run-on shoes on.

"Oh, there she is..." Mom acknowledged me from a few meters.

"How could you allow her to beat you so easily at a run." The man I did not know spoke to me in a playful tone. I quickly caught up with what he was doing and replied regardless.

"Oh she cheated, I beat her all the time." I let out, smiling a confident smile at mom who is now giving me a disapproving look.
"April, you know that is not true. Oh, and by the way, meet Mark. I met him just now, trust me he's really funny." She said gesturing towards the man.

"Oh hello Mark, I'm April it's nice to meet you. And by the way, this is the best mom in the world." Okay, so I may have blurted quite a lot, which caused mom to hit my head slightly.

"I have definitely seen that part already. So Melissa you live around." Mark asked and I quickly looked at mom and she seemed a bit flustered.

"Yeah, we live a few blocks away." She finally replied.
"That's great, I was hoping we can meet up again know, so you can show me the skills you spoke about on the golf course." Okay, I have to admit it feels so awkward having to witness a man flirting with your mom.

But I had a good feeling about whatever was going on.

"Well, you better get ready to lose, cause I'm just as good as I told you."

"You better train harder then, because I'm good too." Mark finally exchanged contact with mom and promised to call her soon.

"It was nice to meet you April,"

"Same here," Immediately Mark was out of sight, I noticed a blush on mom's face. I don't miss any chance to tease.

"Are you blushing mom?" I teased with a slight smirk.

"I have no idea of what you're talking about April," She stated and started walking away from me.
"Hey, mom wait up for me. Why are you getting all upset...I think he likes you." I blurted out.

"April! goodness, nobody likes anybody. I just met that man not less than thirty minutes ago, don't be childish." She complained.

"So what if you just met him thirty minutes ago, I still think he likes you... why else would he ask you out," I smirked again, but this time at the thought of mom finally moving on.

"April stop this nonsense right now."

"It's not nonsense, he likes you and you definitely like him too."
"God lord April, you're even worse than Kim." I wasn't letting this rest anytime soon, so I told Kim right after we got home.
She was just as excited as I was and the teasing continued until I became tired.

After a shower and a full breakfast, I was craving a long nap. Just as I was all ready to dose off, my phone buzzed and it was a text from Miley.
'You up for a group study?' I read rolling my eyes in the process. Miley is the last person any serious person would many to study with. I mean she's distracted by the least thing.

Nonetheless, I agreed. "Sure come over." I placed my phone down and grabbed a few theory books and arranged them on my desk. We don't even do the same course, this is definitely not a group study.

As I waited for her to arrive, I glanced through my books, slowly getting rid of the tiredness in my eyes. A desire minutes had passed when she finally arrived with the biggest grin on her face.

"Well, you look very happy." I noticed.
She quickly collapses on my bed and rolls her eyes back, her grin still full.

"April, I'm in love," She sighed dreamily.

"Don't tell me you did it with him, Miley..." I spoke sternly but I couldn't help my mouth drop in shock, dreading her response.

"Whoa, April...come on not yet. And he's different." Okay, so that's a relief.

"Different?" I questioned.

"Yeah, a good different," she smirked

"Well good luck with this Hakeem nigga," I said finally.

"Thank you, by the way, he's taking me to lectures tomorrow." She added.

"Wait, hold up...if he's taking you, who's my ride then? remember my car is running service. And Kim will use mom's car to school're not insinuating I take a cap are you?" I complained.

"Shit didn't actually think of that, but you can use my car...I mean if that's okay."

"'s fine, I'll just catch a cab."

"You sure?"

"Positive. Now spill, where did he take you?" I asked.

"Oh my God April, I think I've found my Mr Right, respectively. He's so gorgeous, it hurts." Miley blurbs causing me to roll my eyes.

"Okay, so you sound like an idiot now... I don't wanna hear the rest. Save it for a rainy day." I was expecting a comeback but when I glanced in her direction she was probably daydreaming about his name again. So typical of her.

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