Chapter 16

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Crying doesn't solve anything. That's what I told myself before I wiped off my face and thought of my next move. I was now stuck with just my income from my bartending job. And at this point where mom's bakery needs serious renovation, working on only weekends won't pay the bills and renovated at the same time.

Stating a mental note to speak to Wayne to prolong my shifts, I started my way back to town.
It had gotten dark and the beautiful city lights welcomed me back in.

Mom had made my favourite meal when I got back home. Kim was setting the table while sparing curious glances.
"Hey guys," I uttered trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

But mom, as usual, sensed something was up." Honey are you okay, we've been trying to reach you all day but you weren't answering your phone." she asked almost immediately. I hadn't noticed my phone all along.

"Oh, you have?" I asked as I pulled it out from my pockets. I was surprised at the number of missed calls that were on it. I haven't seen that many missed calls before.

"Are you sure you're okay? Miley was so worried about you, she just left here a couple of minutes ago. she said you hadn't shown up for lectures, and Liam got back and was here as well," Mom informed me with a concerned expression.

"I'm fine mom, I just needed some time to chill off. And my phone had been on the silent mode that's why I hadn't heard it ring." I wasn't completely lying. I did need some space to cry and think, but I didn't want my mom worrying about things I was capable of handling on my own.

"Come here." She called and pulled me into one of her duper super hugs.

"I love you, honey, never forget that. And just know that I'm here for you and you can talk to me whenever you feel like it."

"I know mom, and I love you too."

"Okay, okay...enough of all the sentimentality and emotional breakdown...dinner is served," Kim announced.

After dinner, I went upstairs and freshened up. Then I started tracing all missed calls. Miley had called like fifty times. Oh that girl, always so extreme. Liam had called seven times, and the renovating team I hired to handle mom's bakery had also called me a couple of times.

There was an unknown number that called four times. I spotted mom's and Kim's numbers too on the list.

I decided to call Miley first.

"Oh my God April, are you alright!" I  had to pull the phone away from my ears because of how loud she was.

"Hey Miley, I'm sorry I couldn't answer any of your calls. I worked up late last night and I was fired from Taco Bell today." I spoke as I watched the ceiling to prevent any tears from falling.

"I'm so sorry April, I didn't know..."

"it's fine, it's not your fault. The only person I blame is Wilders. He was so drunk off his ass last night after a meeting he had with Wayne when I ended my shift, I found him near passing out and he insisted I take him home." I explained to her.

"I'm sorry...Liam had even stopped by at campus to surprise you but you weren't there." She added.

"I'm gonna call him," I said.

"Yeah, you should...I'll catch up with you later." After I hung up, Liam and I spoke for a few minutes and ended up fixing a romantic date for tomorrow. It was a great idea because I had to go out more often.

I later called the renovating tram and scheduled a date to commence work.  I needed a few weeks to be able to come up with the amount they charged for both interior and exterior makeovers. But that wasn't a problem. I just had to work extra hard.

Wednesday was a peaceful day. After I spoke to Wayne a few days ago about wanting to prolong my shifts at BOTS, he finally called me this morning and said I could work anytime I was free.

The news got me smiling throughout the day. Liam had sent me on a romantic date as promised. We did a little catch-up and felt the presence of one another. Looking at it now, I liked what Liam and I shared. There are no doubts between us, we are both basically just two people chasing their dreams and In love.

Liam and I understood each other so well that, even though we aren't together all the time, we use any given chance to catch up with everything. I told Liam about the bakery and he was happy about it.

As we drank smoothies at star Bites and talked about random stuff, Miley showed up with Hakeem by her side. I watched as Miley scanned the cafeteria with her eyes trying to perhaps find someone. Then eventually our eyes met. I watched how her smile widened as she pulled Hakeem towards the booth Liam and I were seated In.

"Hey, girlfriend." She greeted me as she and her boyfriend sat across from Liam and me.

I blinked at her in disbelief shaking my head. the process.

"Miley, did you just truck down my location?" I asked as I fought the grin that was trying to break free from my lips.

"With pleasure...and why thank you for leaving your location on...hey Liam!"

"Hey, Miley." Liam greeted her back with a light smile.

"Oh my bad, meet my boyfriend, Hakeem." She introduced both of them.

"Nice to meet you," Liam said taking Hakeem's outstretched hand in his and shaking it lightly.

"Same here, may I just point this out, but you look very familiar. I can't place a figure on it but you do, I strongly feel like I know you." Hakeem said giving Liam a serious look.

"I'm sure I just look like someone you know."

"Yeah, probably."

"What're you both having?" Miley asked softening the tension between the both of them. 

The rest of our time at star Bites consisted of random talks and asking questions. Hakeem kept sending weird glances at Liam throughout the day.
Apart from that, it was all fun until Miley and I had to go for a lecture.

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