Chapter 36

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"So?"  I asked once she was in front of me.

"It's a P__thats means I'm pregnant right?" She panicked. "Here, let me have a look." I took the white thing and glanced at its reading. The Positive side was deeply tinted.

"You're pregnant Miley," I told her finally. She looked like she wanted to cry and scream but was holding back.

"This can't be happening to me! God no!_it's not possible__"

"Miley, listen to me...if you want we can book a doctor's appointment to confirm. In the meantime, I googled a few things about pregnancy symptoms__"

"What? seriously you googled?"

"Well, I haven't been pregnant before and neither have you, of course, I'd ask Google instead. Or, do you have a better idea..." She remained silent.

"That's what I thought, sit down and listen up. It says here that vomiting occurs mostly in the 9th week of pregnancy. At this stage, your belly may have a pronounced, rounded look and your clothes may feel a little snug due to bloating and thickened, waistline."

"So I'm nine weeks pregnant?" Miley asked when I was done reading the article.

"Well if you feel the following symptoms then technically yes, or you could be less? Listen to this too. It says that eating cheese, lean meat or other high-protein foods can reduce vomiting. Just make sure to have them before bedtime. Also, sip fluids such as clear fruit juices, water or ice chips throughout the day, note: SIP, do not drink a lot of fluids at once because it may worsen the nausea__So we're going to have to stick to this remedy until tomorrow, that way we would have confirmed everything."

"April this isn't good...this is so bad_so so bad."

"Miley calm have to remain calm okay. Oh, and you have to drink some diluted vitamins as well." I informed Mom I would be sleeping over at Miley's place to prevent her from worrying herself to death.

After she took a shower, I made some snacks for her and she did exactly as I had instructed. So during the night, she threw out twice, which I'm guessing is a good sign.  The morning came sooner than I expected, considering I had only slept at 4:00 am, and I hadn't had a sound sleep at all. But that can wait.

Miley got dressed after eating a healthy breakfast made by me__I'm pretty good with Youtube you know, so I didn't burn anything.

After eating, we drove to the central hospital where we had booked an appointment last night. The female ward wasn't so busy, so I waited in the waiting area while Miley went into the consulting room. I waited and waited, then I kept waiting. Thirty minutes had passed and just as I was getting impatient, my cell phone rang.

It was Maxwell calling.

"Wilders, how are you," I spoke once I picked up.

"I'm good, how about you? I haven't heard from you after the last time."

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that I've just been caught up with some stuff."

"I hope it's not serious though, I could help if__"

"No, don't worry just some personal stuff here and there." I laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, it's fine I understand what personal is..."

"Thanks for__" Before I could finish my sentence, Miley walked out of the room.

"Uhh hey, why don't we talk later_I really have to go." I didn't wait to get a response before I hung up. Miley had a folder in her and looked somewhat better than before.

"What did the doctor say?"

"It seems you were right all along, I'm eight weeks pregnant and I'm having an abortion." I frowned upon hearing her last sentence.

"Uhh no you're not!" I said with gritted teeth as I dragged her by the hand out of the place.

"What do you mean by you're having an abortion?! Are you crazy!" I asked once we got into my car.

"April, I have a whole year until graduation and have you thought about what Mom and Dad will feel? I can't face all that disappointments."

"You should have thought of all of this before you decided to have unprotected intimacy with your boyfriend. And about the internship and your final year, I don't know any policy or law saying pregnant women can't go to school. Unless of course personal matters."

"April you always drag everything, urgh."

"I'm telling you facts, you are not aborting the baby period."

"I can't have this baby."

"Yes, you can! And hey, this isn't just yours, Hakeem has to know about this and mind you, he has equal rights to this baby just as you." By this time, I was parked in front of Miley's apartment but we remained in the car, lost in conversation.

"He doesn't have to know." She argued.

"I will tell him myself if you don't Miley, I promise!"

"April, you're supposed to be my friend right now not my Mom! Oh, God." She complained.

"I'm being your friend Miley, and I mean what I said, you have by the end of today to talk with Hakeem about this, if not...I will." Rolling her eyes, Miley stepped out of my beat-up truck and slammed the door hard.

"I love you," I yelled after her as she stormed towards her porch flipping me off in the process.

I Drove back home at about 1:00 pm. Mom was probably at the bakery because her car wasn't parked outside. Kim is still in school, hopefully. Ever since I told her to stay away from that kid, she's been moody. She hasn't brought him back here again, but I just have a feeling she still sees him.

With how tired I was, I decided to skip today's lecture to rest...

Friday, Wayne eventually outed his relationship with Lauren to me. He also discussed hiring additional workers, and how we would start running shifts due to my upcoming internship.

"The shifting will start immediately after the new employees are here. Early shifts will begin at 7:00 pm to 11:30 pm and late shifts will start from 11:30 pm to 2:00 am."

"Wow, that's pretty flexible..."

"It is_"

"I'm gonna have to get used to Lauren's absence, I keep missing her."

"I can imagine, you've been with her since day one."

"Yeah, but nothing at all that I can't handle, oh and sir...I mean Wayne, I was wondering if I  could take the night off tomorrow, I have a__"

"That's fine April, you can use some work very hard."

"Thanks a lot, Wayne, I appreciate your kindness." He just gave me a playful glare but I ignored it and continued to thank him before leaving his office.

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