Chapter 15

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When I arrived at Flush hills, I desperately needed Max awake so he could tell me which is his house.

"We're here, where is your house?" I questioned even though I knew I wasn't getting an answer. Becoming frustrated, I began randomly strolling down the streets praying to find a hint. Maybe if I spot one of his SUV trucks, it could lead the way.

Then again, it's not like he's the only rich person in this neighbourhood. Nonetheless, I was determined and as if God had answered my prayers, I spotted the same SUV I had seen outside of our house a few weeks ago.

It was the same colour alright, but I wasn't sure if it was the one. But I had to try anyway. This is what I get for being in emotional distress.

I parked near the SUV and got out of my car to knock on the gates of the house I'm trying desperately not to call a mansion. It was a big house. Walled with modern iron with a stylish design and latest technology.

I soon resorted to ringing the doorbell instead since I received no reply when I knocked. I silently prayed that at least this was his house. I can't afford to loiter around all dawn with the devil's son in my car. Today is the worst day of my life, no doubt about it.

After almost fifteen minutes of ringing the doorbell, an elderly lady walked out from the main entrance in a morning coat followed y a little girl who looked more of Kim's age.

"Hi_" I greeted.

"Hello" She greeted back.

"Um_Is this Mr Wilders' house?" I asked politely. The mention of Wilders had worried expressions on their faces.

"Yes, yes, where is Max? what happened to him?!" The older lady asked.

"Well, he's kind of passed out in the back of my truck." I pointed towards my beat-up truck. I moved aside slightly to give them a view of the arrogant drunk at the back of my car.

"Passed out? what do you mean by he's  passed out?" The little girl interrogated as the elder lady pushed to Wilders' side in the car.

"I don't know okay, all I know is that he came to do business with my boss, Wayne Alex at BOTS. I found him drunk at our parking lot after I closed my shift...he gave me this direction to bring in home." I watched as they both helped Wilders out of the car.

They eventually got him out and struggled vividly to stabilise his stance.

"Thank you..." The lady paused, perhaps asking my name silently. 

"Oh, April, My name's April," I said.

"Thank you April, we appreciate your kindness." The lady said genuinely.
She was nice. Maybe Wilders wasn't lying, after all, he did live with his grandmother and little sister. That doesn't still cover the fact that he's an asshole.

"It's nothing, Ma'am..." I brushed off her gratitude.
As I sat back in the driver's seat to finally head home, it was 5:00 am. That got me thinking hard. I was with Maxwell Wilders for a whole three hours. Amazing, note sarcasm.

Today is Monday, which means I'll have to be at Taco Bell at 8:00 am. Which leaves me with just three hours of sleep until then. Shit!

When I got home, Mom was awake.

"Hey, mom." I greeted her as I looked at her face. I noticed that she hadn't been asleep by the dark circles around her eyes.
"Did you stay up waiting for me?" I asked as I collapsed on the couch next to her.

"It was passed your closing time, and your phone was off. I was worried April." She explained.

"Yeah, I just had to take care of a drunk pig who couldn't drive himself back home after having so much to drink," I said.


"Yeah, and you won't believe who this drunk pig was."

"Who?" She queried.

"Maxwell Wilders! he had a business meeting with Wayne, afterwards he decided to drink his heart out until he passed out. I couldn't leave him there."

"But is he okay?" She asked causing me to roll my eyes.

"Seriously? I don't know...he was passed out when I dropped him off." I couldn't help but worry about the rate at which mom worries about the wrong people all the time.

"I'm going to get a little rest...I'm exhausted." I announced standing up to my feet. 

"Yeah, I'm tired too...sound sleep, honey."

"You too mom."

Groaning at the sight of the sunlight which somehow peaked through my blinds, I adjusted myself away from it to peyote comfortable. But just at that instant, I remembered that I had to be at Taco Bell at 8:00 am! I quickly kicked out of my blankets and tasked for my bathroom to get ready.
My heart fell to the floor when I saw what time it was.

It read 1:05 pm. I knew I had lost my job but I drove to Taco Bell anyway. I parked at my usual spot and headed toward the entrance. I noticed that none of my shift mates was around anymore, since my shift ended at 11:00 am. I walked into the manager's office.

"April you're fired!" He said as soon as his eyes met mine.

"Sir...I can explain...don't do this please." I pleaded.

"You're so incompetent. I put you on a shift but you still can't complete a simple duty.  Always being tardy, this is an eatery April! People are always hungry and that means you can't just not come to work. Do you know that I had to serve customers myself because of your delinquency!!" He was practically yelling by this time. 

I was speechless. I had no idea why life had suddenly taken this direction towards me but it sucked. In less than two months I've just lost two jobs.

"I'll deposit your last month's pay plus the few weeks you've worked on this month to your if you'll excuse me."

As I drove away from Taco Bell, I tried so hard to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall but I failed miserably.

Then again, I can't be weak, I thought.

I had no idea where I was going but all I knew was that I needed a quiet place to think and cry.

I had finally come to a halt, only to realize then that I had come out of town. I was at its favourite spot. Only Miley knew about his place.

It's so quiet and relaxed, with natural surroundings and the warmth combined, it made a perfect spot for being alone. There was a long stream flowing over the hills creating a breathtaking atmosphere.  It was beautiful.

I took off my worn-out cheap vans and climbed up onto a stone and wept. I just let the tears flow loosely. It was all too much to take in.

It's in moments like this that I wish dad were still alive. He always had the perfect solution for every situation.

As I cried silently, I realised that all this was Wilders' fault. If he hadn't been drunk last night he wouldn't have insisted that I drive him home and none of this would have happened.

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