Chapter 46

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The week flew by in a blur. Max had left for California. It's been just two days since he left and I already miss him so much. It was a regular Friday night and I was on duty at BOTS.
The loud music was controlled by DJ Switch as always, BOTS all-time super DJ.

As I went by pulling tabs here and there, my eyes sighted Josh and Jason with some other teenagers I believe were all holding fake IDs.  I walked briskly up to them with a straight face and the twins immediately tensed up when they saw me approaching. "Well, well_ look who we have here..."

"April_hey what's up," Jason spoke first. I expected that. Josh on the other hand looked like he was going to puke any moment. I almost felt sorry for him.

"Don't 'what's up' me young man_ you two are coming with me," I spoke walking away toward the bar area. There weren't many people around there. "I didn't know you two could turn twenty-one within a single night," I said sarcastically while glaring hard at Jason since I knew it was his idea.

He always manages to get Josh to do the dirty with him. Is that like a twin thing?

"Please April don't tell Dad. He'll literally lock us up. It was my idea...please." Jason confessed.

"How did you get those fake IDs?" I asked.

"We have a friend who does it for us. Please April don't tell Dad. He'll skin us alive, even though this whole clubbing idea was Jason's__"

"Whoa! Whoa, I'm not getting all the blame, I agree I brought the idea but you could have declined you know, and oh if I remember very well that wasn't water you were gulping minutes ago." Jason cut his twin off.

"What was I supposed to do?! Sit around and get into trouble not knowing what to tell Dad if he asked you!"

"Cut it off both of you. I don't care whose idea it was. Give me those IDs_" I demanded causing Miles to finally look at us.  They handed it over to me and I gave them a fake smile in return.

"Good, now you're both getting out of here without another word. You have fifteen minutes to get home,"

"Oh come on!" They both grumbled.

"I'm dead serious, in fifteen minutes I'm calling your dad, and boy y'all better be home when I ask if you." They grumbled incoherent words as they walked towards the exit.

"Now that's no way to thank your super cool step-sister." I teased some more with a giggle.
I got back to work immediately after they left. The rest of the day was smooth. At exactly 10:00 pm, I changed from my uniform and drove home, making a mental note to visit Miley and Mikayla tomorrow since it was Saturday.

Hakeem had bought a condo apartment at Oxford Street for Miley and him. I know those two are madly in love.  I had helped them move in about three weeks ago. I think the basketball game is really lucrative, I should try that.

The apartment has four bedrooms and a guest bedroom making it five. Yeah, that's how rich I'm talking about. Still not as wealthy as Maxwell but still rich. Hakeem has been spoiling my friend and their baby rotten. I guess I was wrong about him all along. Quick note here you all, date an NBA player.

When I pulled up in front of our porch, I spotted Mr Will sitting on his rocking chair right across from our apartment. I walked over to him and greeted him. "Hey, Mr Will_ sleepless night?" I asked as I smiled a little.

"I guess, you rather look worn out." He said.

"Yeah, work was a bit hectic," I said leaning on the medium wood poles that separated our apartment from his.

"Time flies so quickly. Look at you all grown up..." Mr Will spoke looking away into the darkness. I smiled at him. Mr Will has been so supportive for as long as I can remember. I consider him family because he's always been there.  He's like the grandpa I never had.

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