Chapter 6

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While Miley took care of the delivery guy at the door, I headed into her semi-moderate kitchen and grabbed two plates and glasses. Subsequently, we set up mini dining on the couch and started eating our favourite pizza. 

"We're not done talking about this issue. So you just met this guy and what, you're already ditching a whole lecture to hang with him," At this moment, I couldn't believe Miley.

"Hey, he's not just any guy! He's so hot. You really have to meet this man April. He's black and he likes Italian wine just like I do, I think he's the one."
The eagerness with which she spoke about this guy was funny because, in less than seven days, she's going to droll all over a different guy.

Anytime I try to picture Miley as a guy, well you can basically do the maths.

"You think he's the one, Miley do you even hear yourself, and oh, you're going out to be a wine tasting buddy huh?" I spoke as I took a large bite into my pizza slice.

"Not exactly, but that isn't such a bad idea either." I rolled my eyes at her.

"So tell me, what's his name?"


"Oh, he's from Chicago, IL," I asked curiously. "Yeah. Both of his parents are black. He has two sisters, and oh, he's the only boy."

"Miley, are you sure he's not a gang member or something like that."


"What? I'm just looking out for you...besides he's from Chicago."

"He plays basketball,"

"For which team?" I pressed.

"April, come on. It's all I know about him so far, you don't need to be doing all this. Trust me I've got this." The rationale behind all the interrogations is just because could land herself into serious trouble with his so-called basketball player.

Even worse, she could sleep with him on their first date without her even knowing his name. At least if she knows this much, then it means they've actually been talking.

"I know you've got this, but just stay safe alright."

"April, you sound so much like my great-grandfather."

"What! shut up."

"It's're talking like this because you don't know what having fun means."

"Oh really, I don't know how to have fun?"

"Duh, you don't know the taste of alcohol, why would anyone consider your opinion about having fun?"

"Miley take that back right this minute."
I gasped, that's so rude.

"It's true I'm not taking anything back." I glared hard at her.
Ok so I don't drink doesn't mean I don't know how to have fun.
I haven't tasted alcohol and I'm not looking forward to doing so in future.

Yeah, I work at a bar on weekly basis, but oh well, I guess I'm just into it.

"Whatever, I'm not arguing with you on this."

"Because you know I'll win." She continued to tease me.

"Just don't give it up so easily for this guy," I said seriously.

"I promise I won't, trust me" Miley is not one to make promises, but when she does, she keeps them.

"Alex took mom on a tour to Dubai, they sent these pictures." She showed me her phone. I looked at the pictures and smiled at how happy they seemed. Alex is Miley's step-dad and also the father of Wayne, my boss.

Growing up, Miley has been through a lot.  At a very young age, she had to deal with the divorce of her parents. She's had dark moments.  She hasn't always been this bubbly and cheerful young lady.

Back in the days when her mother and father would yell at each other and she couldn't take it, she would always stay with us until things were stable.  We were pretty young then. Miley was twelve when they had the divorce. She wasn't affected much by the divorce.

It was as if she knew it would happen at some point. Miley's mom moved on with Mr Alex and shared custody with her ex-husband. When Miley turned eighteen, had to decide who she wanted to stay with and she chose her mother.

That's how Miley and Wayne got close. Living with him brought out this crazy Miley I'm dealing with today.

But as the years have passed, divorce is the best thing that has happened to both of them. Mrs Alex is happier with Mr Alex.

Mr Parker, though hasn't re-married, is running his businesses in his best mental state. Now and then Miley would visit him, their relationship with one another is warm.

"Good for them, they look so happy."

"Yeah...Alex has been good, he's made mom happy."

"I can tell by her smile." I chuckled slightly.  Glancing at my phone, I noticed I had received a new text from Liam.
I quickly opened it and read.

'Babe there was an emergency at work. I got called to report back as soon as possible, I'll call you as soon as I arrive.'

After reading the text, I became a bit numb. Liam hasn't been around too often, trust me, I'm aware of the fact. But in a case where he just arrived two nights ago and is returning!

I know construction work can be stressful but not this way. Liam is always blaming his boss. He says it's him who puts all the work on his chest.

I tried calling him but he didn't answer. Miley noticed my silence and questioned.

"Who's it?" She asked and glanced towards my phone in my hand.

"Liam...he just texted me that he got called back to work. Miley he only got back barely two nights ago." The way my voice shook showed how upset I am.

"Hey relax...I'm sure he had to really be at work. Look April, just hung in there for a bit longer, after graduation everything will work out."

"Thanks...I guess I'm going to be late to lectures my entire life, it's 1:30," I said as I peered at the time on her wall.

"Well up woman, you do remember I'm your ride huh,"

"I haven't, and it seems you are going to be my ride for a while, the mechanic said it'll take a week to fully repair all the damages."

"Sounds like loads of fun if you ask me..."

Miley drove me back home so I could change. After another ten minutes, was out again, my computer in my bag pack.

I was already twenty minutes late when we finally reached.

I quickly got out and closed the door behind me.

"Hey, don't forget to give me all the details of the wine tasting date. And have fun alright."

"Oh I will, you know me. See you later." As she drove off, I took that as a cue to start my day. It's only just begun.

What's up great minds! What do you think of Miley's new Boyfriend? I think he's gonna be a great guy.
Share your thoughts in the comment section.
And please, vote. Honestly, the votes kinda give me a reason to keep updating.

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