Chapter 47

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With that said, Mom was out of the house and I was left alone. I looked at my phone to check the time and it was a little after 1:00 pm. I had planned to visit Miley today. I quickly did the dishes before grabbing my keys and leaving.

Miley's new apartment is in north Boston.
"What's this surprise called," Miley said once she opened the door and it was me there. I hadn't called her to inform her about my coming. She pulled me into that bone-crushing hug. When she finally let go, I gave her the most pouty face I could muster.

"I miss you," I spoke in a baby voice.

"Yeah I missed you too but please quit being a baby I already have to deal with one." She pointed at the adorable little girl who was playing in her baby's cradle.

"She's so cute, and damn she's growing every day! Hey there little missy." I played with Mikayla a little bit before joining Miley on the couch.

"And somebody is looking much thinner."

"Really? I'm targeting losing 20 pounds this month." She said with optimism causing me to roll my eyes. Miley can get so extreme for nothing.

"Good for you, you're actually doing great. Where's Hakeem?" I asked since I hadn't seen him around.

"He has a game today. It's live in ten minutes."

"Really, I finally get to see him play," I said with a chuckle.

"He's good. I'm not even gonna lie about that."

"Uuh I can smell love frying in the air" I teased gaining an eye roll from my friend. The game started a few moments later and we all focused on the Television. I'm not a huge fan of basketball ball so I had no clues about what was happening.

Miley, on the other hand, got so engrossed in the game that she hardly heard Mikayla crying after she woke up due to her mom's annoyed growling whenever the other team scored.

"You better let her suck those boobs. She's probably starving." I finally called her attention and she quickly took the crying baby in her arms. Mikayla quickly calmed down once she had breasts in her mouth. Miley still had her eye glued to the game as she breastfed her.

"You see that baby, that's your daddy." I chuckled at how cute she looked. It's clear as daylight that Miley is in love with her man. No doubt about that. As I sat on their million-dollar extra soft couch, I couldn't help but wonder if Max and I could become like this.

I'm in love with Max so much that I sometimes wonder why I always pushed him away a few years back. I hated his guts so much. Well, apart from the obvious reason. I just can't help but wonder if we can have that love that never fades. That love that never ends.

On Friday as I was about to head home after my final lecture, I found AJ leaning against my car. I was surprised at the sight because ever since she won the internship contract over me, she hasn't been cool with me.

"Can we talk?" She asked once she saw me approaching. I'm sure my face held a weird expression because AJ looked even more frustrated than before.

"Look, it's only going to take a minute." She said with a plea in her voice.

"Fine_what is it?" I questioned as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Can we talk in your car?" She asked looking around like someone could be eavesdropping on us. Okay, what's going on here lady? After looking at her for a minute, I finally agreed. It made sense because a few people were talking around the parking lot.

"Fine." I unlocked my car and we got in.

"So about the fashion contest_ Mr Coleman had a hand in my win over you." She stated nervously. I was cut off guard. That Dog! So he wasn't messing with just me. I gave her a sign to continue and she did.

"He offered to get me an internship and a long contract with Dash Collection if I spent a night with him. I had no choice, I come from a humble home and I just wanted an easy way out. I thought a single night was all he wanted but he keeps demanding sex every time. He's threatening my career and my relationship. I have a five years relationship with a man I love and I don't want to ruin that. I'm just tired April. I can't handle his manipulation anymore. I need help." I was shocked at the revelation.

Honestly, I've always admired AJ from afar. She's intelligent and she's the only competitor I have in our course. I guess we all have our weaknesses.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked in confusion.

"Well, because I want you to know that you're the true winner of the contest. Your designs were so pretty and also because I know he offered you the same proposal and your smart self declined. I'm sure you would want him to pay for what he did. April please you have to help me expose him. You're my only witness. He's not just sleeping with me, he's doing the same thing with the freshmen."

"Hold up! I'm sorry but I don't want to get involved with all that alright. I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry you're going through all that but I've got a lot happening in my life right now to add any more stress to it...sorry."

"April, please! We can help those poor girls. Please, I don't want to lose my boyfriend." She released a sob after that statement and I just didn't want to make eye contact at this moment.

"I'm sorry AJ but I don't want to get involved," I said looking out the window. I hate seeing people so fragile. Without another word, she stepped down of my car and I wasted no time speeding out of the school premises. What a day!

I spent the whole weekend thinking about AJ. We aren't friends. Far from it. But we certainly aren't enemies either. Even if I agreed to help her, no one would believe two pathetic women throwing a pointless accusation at the head of the department of the fashion school. It'll sound like a funny joke.

Max had returned from his trip and surprisingly, he noticed my change in mood and asked me what was going on with me. When I told him the problem he advised I talk to Mark about it since he is a cop. And that was what I did. When I discussed it with Mark, he suggested that AJ get a video recording of him in his manipulative action.

Of course, that old hack was smart enough not to use his actual phone number in committing his shameful acts. By Monday, I had made up my mind. As much as I wanted to ignore AJ and have my peace of mind, I also couldn't sit around and watch her suffer if I could help. Mr Coleman needs to pay for his actions and if helping AJ is the only way to do it, then I was in.

"Hey," I said when I finally had an alone time with AJ.

"Yeah, hey.."

"I'm in." I didn't need to repeat myself for her to know what I was talking about.

Thank you guys so much for your support. It means a lot to me.

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