Chapter 45

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Kim was discharged from the hospital after a couple of weeks. I had expected her to break down and weep after Mom told her the news about her womb. But Kim surprised us with how boldly she handled it. The therapy did pay off.

So far there's been a massive improvement and honestly, I couldn't ask for anything more. The way she's been handling her senior year of high school and remaining lowkey about her health. Turns out her boyfriend does care after all. Mark had left him on remand the whole time Kim was in the hospital.

He had rushed over to the hospital to see Kim immediately after he was released. Mom has been harsh to him but I understand why. I'm not exactly comfortable with him around my sister too, I mean he introduced my sister to drugs.

Kim has been proving us all wrong though. She's become so focused and mature. I think one positive thing did come out of all this chaos. Kim is now living a new life which she seems to enjoy. If there's one thing I'm positive about, it's that Kim has realized her mistake and has learned from it.

In all ways possible, my internship turned out successful. I have become so fond of my co-workers that I almost didn't want to leave. But I had to go finish up my last semester of school and then I'll be graduating. Max has been insisting that I work with his fashion team after I graduate but it's a no from me. I love to be independent. If you don't know this trait about me, then you don't know me at all.

But, because Maxwell insisted so much, I agreed to continue to work there until I finalize everything regarding my brand. During my time working with CATCO, I managed to revive their fashion sector. I designed a whole new clothing line with absolutely unique designs.

Miley resorted to online lectures to be able to take care of Mikayla. It's the least she could do to be able to graduate. I, of course, get so bored by her absence but it's nothing I can't handle. I'll just suck it up. Mark and Mom have been planning their wedding date. They both agreed to get married before the end of the year.

Monday came very strong and sunny. I dreaded going out unless I had to go to lectures. But Mom asked me to go and get some groceries since we ran out of stock. Kim left for school so I'm left with no option of escaping it. I glanced at my clock and it was 8:00 AM. My lectures don't start until 1:00 PM just my luck.

I lazily got out of my comfortable bed and walked into my bathroom to run a shower. I came out ten minutes later and attempted to find something to wear. The weather has become relatively hot. Of course, it's summer I don't know how I expected summer to be. Note sarcasm.

Unlike New York, which gets so hot and the human population makes it even worse, Boston is different. Here, it only gets warm during summer but on a bad day like today, I have to just exaggerate. I finally threw on a pair of shorts and a crop top. I left my brown curls to fall on my back and I was ready to go. I grabbed my car keys to leave but my cell phone rang indicating that I almost left it behind.

I checked the caller ID and it was Max. I smiled as I answered. "Hey babe," I spoke after accepting the call. "Hi honey, how are you doing this morning."

"I'm good. Just about to head out, grocery shopping. What're you up to."

"I'm at work, but I'm about to meet up with you at Walmart_"

"Max you don't have to, I've got this," I said obviously not meaning it.

"I want to. You know I haven't been spending quality time with you now that you returned to school."

"Alright, if you insist meet me there in ten minutes."

"I will see you there babe." I hung up and quickly said goodbye to Mom before driving over to Walmart. Max was already there when I arrived. I forgot his office and the store is only a short distance away. He was in his work clothes only he didn't have his suit on. I told you today's weather was extra.

We kissed for a little moment before heading inside the store. We're both okay with PDA. We walked hand in hand as we strolled through the aisle of foodstuff. Max pushed the trolley behind me as I picked up random things from my list.

"I'll be leaving town for a few days," Max announced causing me to look up at him.

"Business?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's about the launch of my new novel_"

"Oh, I almost forgot...where are you launching it?" I asked

"California, we'll be hav_"

"California!" I cut him off. I wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah, the pre-lunch is happening at the branch there."

"How long are you staying?" I asked.

"Just a week. I haven't been there to monitor things for a while."

"I wish I could come with you, but I've got a gazillion projects to submit."

"I understand, but the main lunch will be held here so will you make me the happiest man alive by agreeing to be my escort?" Max asked giving me that lopsided smirk that weakens my knees.

"Of course Max, I'd love to be your escort," I said as I perked his lips.

When we were done getting everything on my list, we headed to the point. I was fast enough to give my card out before Max could. He always wants to pay for everything. Don't get me wrong though, I love to be spoilt but don't make me look so broke.

The cashier was starting to get me pissed with the way she was staring at Max. Doesn't the way Max held my waist give it away?

"Uh, forgive me sir, but you look awfully like Maxwell Wilders CEO of CATCO you_"

"Yes, he is Wilders. Any problem?" I cut her off before she could finish talking. Max looked at her with absolute disinterest. That's one of the many things I love about this man. Max is a gorgeous Man but one thing he is not is a flirt. Max hasn't looked at any woman the way he looks at me. That is just a bonus.

"Can I get an autograph? I'm sorry it's just that I'm a huge fan of your books." the lady spoke as she pulled out Aspire to Inspire. A Romance novel by Max.

"I'm happy you love my books. It means a lot." Max spoke as he signed on the cover.
"Thank you so much!"

"Thank you for supporting my work." Max smiled at her and we left.

We ended up at McDonald's and grabbed a quick meal at the drive-thru. We ate at a random parking lot in my car as we joked and spoke about random stuff. We got so lost in our conversation that I had forgotten I had to go to lectures.

"Shit! I'm going to be late." I said as I drove towards Max's office.

"You have roughly 15 minutes. You can still make it."

"Yeah, I'll drop you at the office and then I'll drive straight to campus."

"That's okay."

Thank you all for the love and support.
✌️🏾 peace

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