Chapter 50

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It has been an entire week since Mark and his team arrested Mr Coleman for sexual abuse and corruption. It was quite a dramatic unveil since the video was projected for everyone to see. True to our motive for his arrest, many more girls spoke out about how they had been abused by him. It added to his sentence automatically.

It was sad. I had spoken to AJ after his arrest and she didn't sound as happy as I had expected. I of course questioned her mood and she explained that her boyfriend had dumped her after the secret was out. I felt bad for her because the reason she went through all this was to save her relationship after all. If he truly loved her, he'd take her back but if not, AJ had to move on.

School was regular and I dreaded Mr Martins's lecture. After I came out to the internet a few nights ago that Max and I were dating, my entire social media has been on fire. I grew from a mere 5K followers to a 100K within a single day. My Instagram is blowing up till now. Everything was okay until asked myself if I wanted the world I was slowly sipping into.

Then again, I would still be in the media if I became a popular designer. Yes, I'm so confident. Either way, I'm still going to be in this world. Why not just embrace it?

The day ended in a drag. But the following day was a better one. Miley brought Mikayla over to hang out. Hakeem was out of town to play a game. I loved the way Miley trusted him. The way she freely agreed to his random trips and sudden occasions of having to go with him. I find it so lovely.  Honestly, I never imagined Miley this way. Having kids does change people.

"Damn girl! You looked like a Victoria's Secret model in that dress you wore." Miley started again after I had managed to end this exact conversation about ten minutes ago. I don't know why she keeps exaggerating the book launch.

"Oh come on Miley are we still on this?"

"You know what?"

"What Miley?" I asked as I gently rocked Mikayla who was completely passed out on my laps.

"When Max introduced you as his woman, I was so damn proud! I was screaming to my neighbors, 'That's my best friend!!' I'm so proud of you."

"You're sick," I said not able to think of anything worse. "Oh come on!!" She whined but I still rolled my eyes at her. Mom walked in right then and smiled immediately when she saw the sleeping angel on my lap.

"Well, who do we have here? Oh, she's asleep."

"Yes she is, but you can still hold her," I said as I gently placed her sleeping body into my mom's outstretched arms.

"She's starting to look a lot more like her daddy." Mom spoke as she looked at the sleeping baby.
"Oh come on! She looks like me Mel, you know the hair? the eyes? Anything rings a bell yet?"

"I'm just messing with you Miley, she's still as pretty as you."

"More like it." I chuckled at their slight banter before turning to Mom.

"You're out early_" I stated. The bakery gets busier day after day and Mom usually stays back longer to prepare orders for the next day. So her being home at 3:00 pm was unusual.

"Yeah left Kim in charge, and there wasn't too much order for tomorrow." Mom explained but I just looked at her hard to detect the secret.

"Oh! I see, so you're going somewhere?" Mom's cheeks instantly tinted a red color when I asked.

"Yeah, Mark and I are having dinner."

"Uuhhh" Miley smirked.

"I smell love coking in the air." I helped Miely to tease her.
"Seriously, stop it you two's nothing extra," she said placing Mikayla back onto my lap.

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