Chapter 31

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"Is there something you're hiding? You and Wilders are becoming friends pretty fast..."

"Well, we decided to put our differences behind us. Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

"Yeah, but I'm now you like-like each other or something."

"No! nobody is liking get out...we're here..." I hissed as I parked in front of Hakeem's apartment.

"Hey, don't be rude to it."

"I'll see you later Miley I gotta run."

"Have fun!"

"I will...bye!" I drove home in a blur and rushed through my entire make-up routine. I'm just glad that I finished just in time for him to arrive.

Kim was making a big deal out of everything. She told Mom Wilders was taking me out and it got even worse.

"Mom please you're embarrassing me," I said with gritted teeth as she tried to take a picture of Max and me. 

"There, got it...have fun you both."

Max had a permanent smile on his face ever since we left the house.

"You really enjoyed how embarrassed I was didn't you..."

"A little, yes..."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," I say rolling my eyes.

"Your mom is a sweet woman, I like her."

"Yeah, because she embarrassed me in your face?"

"Oh, no, well that part too but, actually she is a soft person."

"Yeah, she is."

Max drove us to Southern Boston and parked in front of an expensive-looking restaurant. I looked up and read the name at the top of the building and it said 'Truly Indian'. Max led us inside and quickly went to the reception area and spoke to a woman.

"Reservation for Max Wilders and April Lucas."

"Oh yes, follow me...your table is this way."
As the lady walked in front of us, I observed what she was wearing. I was finding it hard to tell if she was Indian or not. She had typical American brunette hair and was clothed in a beautiful golden sari, she was beautiful though.

"Here you are, make yourself comfortable... your waiter will join you shortly."

"Thank you," Max said to her and with a small grin, she walked away.

"So every worker here is Indian?" I asked.

"Not exactly, but you must dress like's a tradition."

"Wow," I looked around the restaurant and true to Max's words, every employee was indeed Indian or dressed like an Indian. Looking down at the menu, I realised that the only Indian dish I have ever eaten is Samosa. Wanting something different, I decided to have Masala Dosa.

I have no clue what it is, but I'm hoping it's good. Our waitress came for our order and in less than ten minutes, we were served our meal.

We made small talk about random stuff while we ate. Honestly, I didn't expect Wilders' company to be this casual and conventional, but it was and I liked it.

After our meal, Max poured us a glass of the expensive wine he had ordered. Taking a sniff of the drink, I knew it was a great wine. I've worked with these herbs long enough to know what good wine smells like.

I took a tiny sip from my glass and felt the taste of it.

"How'd you like it..." Max asked.

"Well, exactly the way I've always imagined it to be...natural and maybe even better. However, I'd rather stick to not drinking."

"Oh come on, don't be a mood killer."


When Max finally dropped me off, it was a little after 11 O'clock.

"Thanks for today, I had a lot of fun," I spoke after I got down from his car.

"No, thank you for coming..."

"So, we're doing this again, right? I blurted out without thinking immediately regretting my boldness.

"Your company never gets old..."  This nigga always knows the right words...

"Good night Maxwell,"

"Night April..."

As early as 7:00 am I was at the campus. We were all supposed to make five unique designs. The entire department was participating, so in other to be able to judge accurately, our designs had to be fewer but on point.

I picked out a nice fabric and decided to create all women's clothing. They let us have the third newest conference hall to sew and design while the audience waited at the Fashion Arena. We had to share the same conference hall with the models because we needed them for fits. 

While they were being made up by make-up artists, we were also busy with our designs.  At exactly 11:00 am, Mr Coleman walked in and informed us that we have just an hour more to rap up with all five designs.

Roughly, I had already finished cutting out all of my designs with only three sewn already. I was currently working on the remaining two when he made that announcement. So hopefully, Within the hour, I should be able to complete them both.

My first design is a Culotte dress made of leather, it could be worn alone because it's a little below the knees. I chose to work with leather because many people are used to seeing leather in other forms but rarely in dresses.

My second design is a shirt. A kaftan made from African print and blended with silk fabric. It accompanied jeans and shorts. The third design is a Chambray which also goes with a Dirndl Skirt. The fourth and fifth designs are a Romper and a Jumpsuit respectively made with pure cotton fabrics.

Honestly, I am impressed with all of my designs and my choice of fabrics.
There is a huge projector on a wall for us to see all that is happening on the runway. The music is fire and the lighting is on point.

"Hey!" Miley yelled above the music with a huge grin. She leaned her elbow on my table and I observed her a bit. She looked good in her makeup.

"Miley, you know you're not allowed to stand this close to a competitor." I scolded her.
"Don't be a good killer, I just want to wish you luck."

"Aww thank you, girl...I'm a little nervous though..."

"...Now that's completely natural, but you just have to stay calm and positive alright...we're getting on stage in a few minutes just take deep breaths and you'll be fine."

"Thanks, I will..." I smiled.

"Good, now catch that good luck."  Miley dramatically blew out air and I dramatically caught it.
Just as Miley walked away, Mr Coleman approached me.

"I hope you have thought wisely about my offer, this could change your life for the better."

"Of course,  I did think wisely on it Mr Coleman, this could alter my entire life but, have you thought about what could become of your pathetic and manipulative life if Vice Chancellor gets to know about all this..." I have no idea where all this confidence came from but I was standing my ground.

I can't show him that he's winning.
His creepy laugh brought me out of my thoughts only to find him dangerously close to my face.

"I know you're a smart woman April, but not as smart as I am, I have all that figured out already..." He whispered causing goosebumps to rise on my body instantly.

"Look at me April, the whole Mr Coleman of East View you think anyone would believe a bad word against me?" I hate that he's right, I feel so angry right now and I can already feel the tears cloud up in my eyes.

But I can't give him the satisfaction of my helplessness, I'd rather die.

"Make a smart decision..." He said as his dirty eyes found my cleavage which was a bit too low for a creep like him.

"....I know you will April."

Hey guys, I just want to say that your votes and comments will mean a lot...

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