Chapter 35

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AJ Sanchez signed a one-year internship contract with Louis Vuitton Collection. The start date for everyone to begin their internship was the first of March.

The rest of us who didn't get any contract with any brand will have to apply to various internship centres or opt for the school's random placements. Now, this random placing isn't a very great option since you could be sent to work in a whole new town for a good year. Yep, not an option.

Moving to a new town is not part of my budget at all. This whole internship is a huge destruction to my job at BOTS. I haven't told Wayne yet and I don't know if he'd be kind enough to offer back to me my job after I'm done with it.

The whole lecture with Mrs Evans wasn't very impactful. I had zoned out the entire lecture. But it ended sooner than expected. As I walked to my second class, I ran into the last person I was hoping to see, Mr Coleman.

"Oh, who do we have here, the opportunity deprived April Lucas. Goodness, you know before I used to think that you were a very smart young woman, but oh well, I was wrong. This could have been you. A beautiful and intelligent young designer working with one of the world's best and leading fashion experts, but you tsk-tsk, were too näive."

"I don't care about what a pig like you thinks of me, I did what was right...and just so you know, I don't regret my decision," I said calmly, trying to portray nonchalance.

"If you'll excuse me, I have a lecture to attend." With that said, I walked away from him towards the south side of the auditorium.

What a great way to enhance my already sour mood. Miley still hadn't been to campus and I'm starting to get a little worried. Usually, Miley isn't one to just miss out on school. I texted her earlier today, but she hasn't still replied till now.

As I shuffled passed a couple of students, I found myself a seat at the back making a mental note to stop by Miley's apartment before heading home.

The whole lecture consisted of nothing but a total rant about the just-ended Fashion Show. I mean, is that what you're paid for? He kept blubbering about how it could have been better and how the event organisers had to improve any future shows. Might as well become an event planner Mr lecturer. Honestly, I tried not to slumber as I kept yawning nonstop.

I released a sigh of relief when the boring lecture finally ended.  It was a little after 6:00 pm when I drove towards Miley's apartment. The fact that she hadn't still replied to my texts and calls has me aggravated. I mean, I am your friend__my bad, your best friend. I deserve to know if there's a problem, you can't just leave me in the dark like I'm useless.

The only time Miley had been this distant was when we disagreed on Liam's issue. When I reached her apartment, I parked my old baby by her Range Rover truck and walked towards her front door. I knocked for a whole three minutes before the door suddenly opened revealing a very sick Miley.

She looked swollen on the face and her eyes were red and her lips scorched as if she were thirsty.

"Jesus Christ Miley! what the hell, are you okay?" I asked as I invited myself in and closed the door behind me.

"Not really, I just feel a little sick and I keep throwing up..." She couldn't finish the statement as she ran towards her bedroom. I abruptly followed after her and found her knelt over her toilet while she gagged.

I quickly pulled her hair out of her face and patted her back gently. "It's okay, bring it all out."

After a couple of minutes of gagging and coughing, Miley finally stood up and washed her face. I then helped her onto her bed.

"Miley and you call this a little sick! Geez." I sighed.

"When did this start and have you had any medications yet?" I asked as I tried to think of why she was suddenly so sick.

"Well, a few weeks ago..."

"A few weeks ago! Great, and you didn't think to tell me about it?" Real smart, I hissed. Even though I'm not a medical doctor but come on,  I would have suggested that we go see one.

"April, it wasn't that bad then, I just started feeling this worse a couple of days ago... and no, I haven't had any medication yet."

"Wait, do you get dizzy?" I asked trying to figure something out.

"Yeah, I get dizzy once in a while..." Okay.

"Have you seen your period the whole of this month?" I further interrogated.

"Uhh, No...but come on April you're not assuming that I'm... "

"What about last month? Did you see it?" I flipped her off.

"No...but it's pretty normal in my cycle...Stop assuming I'm pregnant." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to assume exactly that, tell me, you did it with Hakeem didn't you?" I glared at her as I studied her facial expression.

"Just once, I swear I was on my safe days__It was on Christmas Day when I was with his family__that once couldn't have..."

"Miley will you stop sounding so dumb! The point is, you had sex with Hakeem and you didn't see your period for two months. Today is the last day of January, Miley you're pregnant." I finally concluded as I gave my best friend a pointed look.

"April come on, it's probably a fever__how can I be pregnant?"

"How can you not be pregnant? Huh," I retorted.

"Well, you know pregnancy occurs when a man and a woman get intimate__"

"Alright cut it out April, how do we know for sure that your assumptions are true." Miley cut me off sounding desperate.

"There's only one way to find out__I'll just run to a convenience store and get a pregnancy test. That way, we can know for sure if it's actually a fever." Miley quickly nodded and I head out immediately driving towards a pharmacy.

I paid for three tests just to be very sure of our results. When I got back to the apartment, Miley was busy throwing up again. "You alright_," I asked once I reached her bathroom.

"Yeah, did you get it?"

"Yes, here..." I handed it over to her.

"How is this done anyways?__" Rolling my eyes, I spoke.

"Miley you just have to pee on it, there's an instruction card in it." She nodded and went back into her bathroom closing the door behind her. I sat on her queen size bed and googled some symptoms of pregnancy.

I read about vomiting and ways to curb it. I also found interesting articles like the kind of food a pregnant woman should eat and the right times to actually eat said foods. After waiting for fifteen minutes, Miley finally emerged from the bathroom.


I'm sorry for keeping y'all waiting, but I'm back and at my best.
Shout out to



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