chapter 17

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"I see you and Hakeem have gotten pretty serious, Wayne spoke about him the other day," I said as we strolled down the large campus of East View college.

"Well, I'm pretty serious 'bout him, he's pretty serious 'bout know."

"Oh, I sure do know...Miley don't tell me you've given it up to him already, Miley..." I squinted my eyes at her.

"Not yet, but we're getting there." She winked at me and walked before I could scold her any further.

The fifth day of November. You could feel the snow already squeezing its way through the season. Coming to terms with the plains of Boston, was a beautiful yet dreadful experience. Today happens to be the day of the commission of the renovation.

I haven't told mom about it and I won't be telling her until further notice. I want it to be a surprise for her. Miley is basically the only person who knows about it apart from Liam. I would tell Kim, but she tends to blurt out things unknowingly at awkward moments. She's the last person to keep a secret. So, I'll only tell her when the time is right. 

I was called to choose the colour of paints I'd like for the walls, and I ended up choosing a navy blue tint and grey for the interior and the exterior, a warm mauve was the best decision. The team designed a huge poster with a cheerful 'MEL'S BAKERY' on it. The Billboard ended up at the front of the bakery to attract customers.

All in all, I liked how neat the work had come out. It was worth my money.

"It's beautiful," I told them as I continue to admire it.

"It's our priority to deliver our best services, miss April." The team leader said with a small smile. 

"Alright, I'm going to have to leave you guys to it, call me if there's anything you need." As I got into my car to head back home, my phone rang out startling me.

It was the same unknown number from a few weeks ago which I had ignored. Finally, I answered and waited for the person on the other end to speak.

"April," The voice I knew so well spoke sending shivers throughout my body. The same man responsible for all my misfortunes his past month. 

I remained silent, unable to form any words. "Hello, April are you with me?"

Taking in a deep breath, I spoke.

"What do you want Wilders?" The line went dead silent for a while, but he eventually spoke.

"I've been wanting to thank you for your kindness the other time, my grandma told me all about it. I didn't want to show up at your house unannounced since you did not take it well the last time I visited."

I noticed Wilders was rambling out his words which was a surprise since he's always so confident with words.

"It's nothing, And you're right, do not show up at my house unannounced. I want nothing to do with you, you've brought nothing but bad luck to my life since I met you." I said bitterly not caring if he was hurt, he deserves worse.

"I'll keep apologising for as long as it'll take for you to forgive me, even if it takes a thousand years."

"Good bye Wilders." I didn't need his lies and sermons, no matter what he does or says, my impression of him remains the same.

The late morning traffic had just set in as I drove home.

A warm shower is what I craved the moment I was home. November is usually cold in Boston, but this year's weather is extreme. I started wearing winter clothes in October. It's likely to snow early this year, I don't know if that's a good idea but it's what is bound to happen.

Kim is at school at the moment, Mom had to run some mails, so I'm basically home alone. With four hours till lecture time and very few assignments to finish off, I decided to treat myself to a warm long bath.

After heating the water to my preference, I grabbed my Milk and Honey foam bath gel and poured just the right amount into the bathtub. I used that rarely because of how ridiculously expensive it is. Usually, on a regular day, I'd just use a regular cheap shower gel for my bath. I finally stripped naked and claimed into the warm soapy water.

I shivered slightly at the new contact and smirked at the foamy, soapy, warm and sweet scent it. This was what I needed.

I usually stayed in the tab till my body couldn't take it anymore. But since I have lectures and also had to finish off some assignments, I got out an hour later and began with my assignments.

When it was almost 2 PM,  I had already arrived at campus. Right on time before lectures began. Miley noticed me immediately and started advancing toward me.

"Someone's glowing," Miley teased.

"Oh I am, Liam has been spoiling me pretty much lately." Miley has always complained about how boring Liam's and mine relationship is. She said we had to be more active and shit. I'm pretty sure we were getting there since I was wearing a blazer worth a thousand dollars which Liam got for me last week.

"Oh, I see," Miley said immediately losing interest in the conversation.  So unlike the Miley, I know. Usually, she would beg me for details.

"You okay?" I asked as we walked into the cafeteria.

"Yeah, why?" Miley shot back, pretending shamelessly.

"Are you seriously lying to my face, Miley?"

I asked as we grabbed a coffee from the cafe runners.
All this while Miley couldn't look me in the eye.

"It's nothing...the weather is getting intense huh."

"Seriously, now you're talking about the weather! Lame Miley, so so lame. Spill, what's eating you up?" I questioned as we sat at our usual table by the window.

Miley took a long and dramatic sip of her coffee before finally looking at me.

"Look April, I don't know how you're going to take this but I'm going to tell you don't freak out alright,"

"Miley will you stop all this nonsense!" I hissed.

"What is it? you're giving rise to my nerves," I complained again when she still didn't say anything.

"Fine, you remember when Hakeem said Liam looked familiar on our last date a month ago?" She asked and I tried hard to remember.

"Oh yeah, we are at starbites," I said.

"Right, um, Hakeem explained later that Liam looked a lot like a certain drug smuggler in Atlanta. He also said the police are looking_"

"Miley, what are you saying?" I whispered, trying to sink into what Miley was saying.

"You're saying that your boyfriend, Hakeem, one you just met barely a month ago, is saying that my Liam is a drug dealer!?" I yelled involuntarily. I was trying to hold myself together but it was hard.

"No! He said Liam looks like that person, he's still doing his research on it but I thought you should know_"

"Miley come on! that's impossible. You know how gentle Liam is, he's an angel"

"It's what I told Hakeem, Liam is a soft person, he'd never be a part of such an accusation."

"Well, at least you still remember that. Come on Miley, you know Liam as much as I know him, he'd never hurt a fly. You on the other hand just met that guy barely a month ago and you're already trusting him so deeply..."

"April, please! I was just looking out for you. I'm telling you this because I'm confused about it as well, I trust Liam, but so do I trust Hakeem." Miley yelled too, frowning deep at me.

"Oh come on Miley we all know you trust any guy that gets you satisfied in bed," I yelled out and immediately regretted saying it. I hadn't meant for it to come out like that. I watched as my words sunk into her head while she looked at me with a shocked utterance.

Damn, did April cross a line? Do you think she went too far with her words? Most importantly, what do you think of Liam being a suspect in such a serious crime?
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
Also, you can cheer Miley up with a cute orange star down below.
I love y'all. Peace.

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