Chapter 43

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I drove over to Flush Hills to visit Max while I gave Mom some time for herself. Max has been very supportive ever since

Kim went missing. He's been doing all he can in his little way to help, but all to no avail. Jessy was more worried than I thought she would be considering how mean Kim has been to her lately.

"Anything new?" Max asked me as he saw me approaching the lounge.

"Nothing... it's still the same news." Max gently kissed my lips before pulling away with a worried expression.

"Do you think perhaps something bad happened to her?" I asked as I tried to keep my tears in place.

"Of course not April! Don't think like that, Kim is fine and we're going to find her okay."

"I hope so, Mom is losing it and I can't stand seeing her in that state."

"Trust me, it'll be fine... wine?" He asked sheepishly.

"You've got me hooked on this red velvet wine real hard."

" I can't say I'm not proud of myself."

Today marks exactly one week and three days since Kim left home. I've been dragging going to work since Mom is crying and mopping around all over the house. She refused to open the bakery no matter how much I tried to convince her.

Today, for instance, I ditched work to keep her company. It was exactly noon when Mom's phone rang. She quickly grabbed it and answered immediately. She has been very peculiar about strange numbers since she always thinks it's Kim calling or someone with information about her.

"Hello." She spoke huskily into the line and waited. Within a minute Mom quickly sat up right.

"Yes, this is she... Oh my God! Is she okay?... Yes, I'm on my way."

I was already standing on my feet and grabbing my car keys when I realized where the conversation was headed.

"Kim has been rushed to the emergency ward at West Boston's hospital." Mom spoke as we literally ran towards the car.

"Come on, I'll drive," I said as I sat into the car. Mom quickly got in and I sped off towards the hospital.

I'm having mixed feelings right now because, on one end, I don't know If I should be happy that we've found my sister or sad that she's in critical condition lying in a hospital bed.

I drove above the speed limit, the only mission on my mind being to get to the hospital quickly. I want to see my sister. Is she okay? Did somebody hurt her?

When we finally got there, I parked very recklessly and rushed in with Mom trailing behind me.

"We're the family of Kimberly Lucas... we got a call a few minutes ago from the hospital that she's been brought here."

"Just a moment, uhhh... yes. There's Kimberly Lucas who has been rushed into the theater for emergency surgery. You have to wait in the emergency room until the surgery is done..."

" What happened to my baby? Why are they operating on her?!"

"I'm sorry madam but I don't have that information, the doctor will give you all the necessary details of the surgery." The nurse said again in a calm voice and quickly started attending to other patients.

Mom couldn't control her tears as she just cried and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Mom please put yourself together please, you have to stay strong for Kim," I said as I quickly wiped away my tears which fell without my notice. I guided Mom towards a bench and we waited. I sent a quick text to Max and he replied that he's on his way.

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