Chapter 44

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It's been three days since the surgery on Kim. But she still looks so drained and sipped off nutrients. She is fully examined daily to ensure her fast recovery. And honestly, I think it's working since she's able to communicate well with Mom and me.

Miley had dropped by earlier in the day to see how she was doing. The Twins only texted and sent flowers since they've been caught up with schoolwork. Ever since we came here three days ago, Mom hasn't left for even a second. So, after a long argument with her, I finally convinced her to go home and freshen up a bit then return later.

"I'll bring dinner later okay, be safe April." She spoke as she packed up her stuff into her bag.
"I will Mom, take care of yourself too."

After she left, I closed the aluminum door and went to sit next to the bed my sister lay on.

"I don't know why the doctors won't let me out of here already," Kim mumbled barely able to talk.

"Do you even see yourself, Kim, you're still recovering. Don't worry you'll be out of here before you know it." I smiled at her and got a frown in return.

"Do you want anything to drink? I could bring you your favorite yogurt drink."

"No April, I'm fine."

"Okay..." I said quietly looking at her face. Her skin looked so pale and her blue eyes had become so dull I barely even made them up.

"Kim_why didn't you tell me? You don't trust me that much?" I asked causing my voice to break a little.

"I was scared." She whispered looking down at her hands. I sighed heavily before holding up her pale hands and kissing them briefly while looking directly into her soul.

"Kim, what were you afraid of?" I asked.
" I was scared because I had disappointed Dad! I disappointed Mom, you, I just couldn't bear all that guilt. I wanted to fix things, I swear that's what I wanted to..."

"Kim hey, that's enough. Look I understand how you must have felt, but Kim we're your family. Mom and I can only get mad but we could never turn our backs on you. We love you so much, Kim."

"I'm sorry April_ please forgive me...I messed up_"

"Hey hey, don't cry_we all mess up sometimes, you're not the first. It's fine."

I smile lightly at her while wiping her tears off. "I love you" She whispered.

"I love you too Kim, always and regardless."

During the last couple of days, Kim's recovery has been massive. The doctor did say she could be discharged in a few weeks if she responded to treatment well. Mom and I had managed to convince her to continue her therapy routine once she's out and I'm still shocked she agreed without any arguments. Who is this new Kim and what did she do to my little pain in the ass of a sister.

The doctor hasn't told her about the dissolution of her womb yet. It's the bitter truth and sooner or later she'll have to know. Honestly, I'm worried about what her reaction is going to be. She's too young for that kind of trauma. That's the reason why Mom left no stone unturned to get the best therapist to handle her case.

In every possible way, Max has been super supportive throughout this whole drama. I had resumed work and my coworkers were kind enough to share their kind words of comfort with me. I tried hard to regain myself and mentally prepare myself back to my work.

The fact that the premiere of the second act of the play was postponed because of me got me so emotional. So when I returned to work, I looked forward to getting all the costumes ready before the due date. And that means working extra hours, which is worth it.

Mine and Max's relationship is gradually becoming something very beautiful. We are now seeing each other every day at work and also go out on actual dates at least thrice in a week after work of course. Most of the time were either having dinner with my family or with his family. And other times, I allow my arrogant self to be taught to prepare some of our favorite meals.
Maxwell is a very good cook. I would never tell that to his face.

I love the fact that even though we both have tight schedules, we still have spent Quality time together. There are no assumptions made about each other's time, everything seems to just fall in place like the weather. And life moves on.

Miley had her baby girl on the 11th day of September at exactly 5:35 PM. She was so small and cute. I still remember how beautiful she looked with her eyes closed until the nurse had to take her away.

I'm happy for Miley but her baby daddy was rather showing too much emotion. He is tearing up. Both of them are made for each other no doubt about that. Mrs Alex was just as excited as everyone else. She didn't stop talking about how beautiful her granddaughter was. The doctor dragged us out of the room to finish up with the delivery.

"Did you see how cute she looks?" Mrs Alex kept saying as she smiled widely.
"She is, a very pretty baby," I spoke with a smile as well.

"You can give all of the credit to her dad, I'm not even gonna lie because damn I'm fine as hell," Hakeem said.

"Hey, haven't you seen me? I passed on my pretty face to my daughter and granddaughter."

"No, my daughter looks like me."  Hakeem shot back. I silently laughed at their banter as they seemed to be enjoying it. Later on, Wayne stopped by with Lauren by his side to see his niece.

"Lauren hi_" I gave her a big hug. Honestly, I have missed her a lot. Life seems to be treating her well. She looks all flush with healthy skin and all.

"I've missed you so much," I spoke.

"I do too April. God! and I've missed working at BOTS_"

"I bet you have, you're looking really good by the way...what's your secret?"

"There is no secret, I think true love and happiness can do that to you. And speaking of love, I've been reading some interesting articles about Maxwell Wilder's love life."

"Oh, you have?" I chuckled at her expression.

"I have and you seem to be making the headlines..." Rolling my eyes playfully, I smirked at the genuine curiosity in her eyes.

"Well, maybe those aren't just rumors," I started with the same smirk still plastered on my face.

"Damn girl! Marcus owes me 100 bucks."

"Why?" I asked baffled.

"Staked a bet. I told him you and Wilders would end up together and he said otherwise." She explained.

" I can't believe you guys did that."

"Better believe it. Anyways, tell me what it feels like to be the girlfriend of a celebrity!" She squealed excitedly.

"It's nothing extra Lauren. Max and I are being very lowkey about our relationship."

"I'm so happy for you..."

"Baby could you come up here and say hi to Mr Andrea_" Wayne interrupted our little catch-up.

"This conversation isn't over," Lauren spoke walking away with her lover. I chuckled and looked around, noticing how everyone was happy made me smile even wider. This is what I've always yearned for.

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