Chapter 10

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"Honey calm down, this gentleman came to make peace." Mom said gesturing towards the bustard who looked as though he was sorry when in actual fact he definitely wasn't.
" actually allowed him into our house! He's the reason you ended up in a hospital, did you forget so fast?"

I tried not to yell but I couldn't control myself any longer.
"April will at least hear the poor man out, talk to her Maxwell."

"I extend my deepest apology April, my actions a few days ago didn't speak so well of me...allow me to make up for all of that."

"You can save your sermon for someone who will actually believe it...I don't want to hear it. You've caused me so much pain this short time I've met you, let's leave it at where it is now. The door is that way." I pointed to the exit door after I spoke.

Mom on the other hand was making things so hard since she was blinded by his scam.

"April isn't always like this, pardon her rudeness. April, be nice."

"Mom are you seriously apologising to him?!" I was fuming by this time.
This arrogant hook had no right to step foot into our house! And worse, mom is buying his pretence.

"Please, I totally understand her anger. Miss Melissa, it was nice meeting you...but I think I should get going now."

"It was nice meeting you too, Maxwell." After those Pleasant words from mom which made my blood boil, the idiot finally left.
"How long has he been here!" I directed the question to Kim.

"Well not too long, he said he didn't mean any harm when he brought the cop the other day." She narrated.

"That's the lamest excuse he could have come out with. Of course, he meant harm, hello does anyone recall mom had a heart attack that day? And that I got fired from the working at the Library..." I glanced at both of them and they looked like they were still on his side.

"I can't believe you two just fell for his drama." Mom closed the door rolling her eyes as she walked toward Kim and me.

"Mom you shouldn't entertain people like that, you should know better than anyone that those rich people do nothing but manipulate others."

"April, calm down...I understand you're very upset about what the young man did. He has told me what happened and I don't blame him that much. According to him, he only acted the way he did to get your reactions for a book he's writing." I gave her a confused utterance and she proceeded to explain more.

"He said he owns a publishing, he gave me this, I think you'll know of him." I took the card from her and looked at it.

Maxwell Wilders.
CEO, Catco company limited.

Wait, so Wilders... was just in our living room a few minutes ago! The CEO of Boston's leading publishing company! Shit.

"Wait a minute, I still don't get this. So basically, Mr Wilders did all that as an act to get my reaction for a book he's writing?!"

"Exactly, it was all an act. The police officer was also planned." Mom explained further. The information didn't affect my perception of him as an asshole.

Who does that? Just play with a family's emotion like that.

"That doesn't change anything mom, he's an idiot." I stormed away into my room. I've had about enough of everything, it was all too much to process.

Mindlessly scrolling down my contact list,   I dialled Liam's number and he answered on the first ring.
"Hey..." I whispered.

"Babe? you okay..." He asked immediately he heard my tone. He knew right away that something is up. Liam paid attention to all the little details. The more I tried to be mad at him for not always being here, I just couldn't.

"Just having a bad day, I wish you were here to hold me," I said honestly.

"Hey, hey...easy's alright,"

"It's just all so complicated...I'm losing hope, Liam."

"April, don't say that. It's just a matter of time before things will go back to normal, I promise. Look at all the good things, your clothing brand...your mom's bakery, you can't give up babe..not until you're done."

"I love you, Liam," he always has the right words for the right situations...

"I love you too April, should take some rest okay."

"Alright, goodnight."

"Good night."

Saturday came fast and rough. Miley had suggested we go to the bank today to issue the loan. The whole process was pretty easy and short. After less than thirty minutes of paperwork, I received solid cash of $5000. I'm not used to being around such a huge sum of money.

Miley seemed way too eager about buying the bakery than I was. Which was why she insisted we go straight to Christine's house to pay her off after we had left the bank.

She occupied a semi-detached apartment down west Boston.
And since we were around her hood, it was just right we settled our deal. 

"April! what a's nice to see you here." The old lady spoke once she saw that it was us at the door.

"We're here on business Miss Christine," I spoke calmly while I tried to seem to deter.

"Well, come on in then."
Miley and I politely declined the bottled water she offered us and went straight to business.

"My mom mentioned to me that you're letting go of the bakery at a thirty per cent discount," I stated.
"That is correct, but she hasn't shown any interest in it yet..." She informed, piercing through my soul with her ocean colour eyes.

"That's why we're here, we want to buy it." I declared. Miss Christine was silent for a while as she looked at me, it was like she was trying to figure me out.

"I'm not letting it out on credit..."

"Who's talking about credit? We're paying in cash," Miley blurted out.
I could see the surprise on her face but she remained silent.

"We have the money here, Can we have all the legal documents and paperwork," I spoke.

"Alright, just a minute."

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a while now. Thing is, if you haven't noticed I'm a Muslim and we just ended our holy month of fast. Having to fast and type every day wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, but we're done now. And I'm gonna try and be consistently active with updates. Eid Mubarak to all Muslims from around the world. 
Vote, comment and share. I love y'all.

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