Chapter 29

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"You and Mr Wilders..."

"Me and Wilders what?...and why do you say his name like that?" I asked as we entered our school campus.

"You've been having friendly dates with him huh?"

"It was just one time..." I say rolling my eyes.

"Really..." Miley said squinting her eyes at me.

"Yeah, really...and stop looking at me like that Miley. Look I'm not looking forward to dating anyone at the moment, Liam and my relationship..."

"Here we go again! April you have to move on, it's the only way you'll be able to forget about him, and hey, Wilders isn't just anybody, I think he likes you."

"No! I don't wanna hear it, I'm more concerned about the upcoming Fashion Show, you should be praying that I win and stop being a Love coach."

"This conversation isn't over," She narrowed her eyes at me.

"But you should get a way out of Mr Coleman's blackmail."

"I know Miley, but what can I do? If I file a complaint against him to the Chancellor, no one will believe me, I have no evidence."

"Yeah, you're right. Come to think of it, if that dog asked you for sex, it means he has asked other, girls, too."

"Yeah, so that means if we could get one of such girls to talk, then it'll be our evidence!"

"The actual question here is how?!"

"Right, HOW?!" I released a heavy sigh before I bid goodbye to Miley as I wandered off to my department, thoughts of the fashion show on my mind.

My day in all was a productive one. I headed back home earlier than I anticipated. Mom's car wasn't in the garage so I figured she was still out. I've been considering selling off my old baby for a brand-new one. It's becoming too much of an expenditure. I figured I'd sell it off and add up a little and get a new one.

I'm still considering it though, I need to make a good deal on it first. When I walked to the porch, I noticed the lights were on so I knew Kim was home.

When I walked inside, I noticed a boy was seated on one of my favourite love couches. I scanned around for Kim but she wasn't in sight, then I Saw her emerge from the Kitchen with two glasses of what seemed like orange juice in them.

"Uh...Kim, why is there a boy in our living room?"I asked, looking between the young boy who seemed too comfortable for my liking and my sister. Her cheeks heated up as she blushed. Honestly, that is something new because Kim hardly ever blushes.

"Umm April, this is Shane...Shane, my sister." I remained in a standing position as Kim introduced me to the boy. I smiled a bit at his way then looked back at my sister who was nervously playing with the drinks in her hands.

"It's nice to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you." The boy said and I looked up at him in surprise.

"Oh, really, that's quite a bit of a surprise since I haven't heard anything about you." After I said that, I sensed awkwardness in the air and decided to leave them alone.

"Okay, I'm gonna head upstairs, did you call mom?"

"Yeah, she said she's having dinner with Mark."

"Okay..." I started walking away after that.

I loved what mom and Mark built. It's beautiful how slowly and even they are taking their relationship. I'm just glad that mom is finally taking a shot to be happy again. She deserves to be.

I Kicked my shoes off at the corner and placed my bag on my messed-up dresser.  I dreaded the piles of laundry I still had to take care of. I haven't had much time for myself lately.  Come to think of it, I never have, I've always been so busy thinking about work, school and everything.

I eventually stripped down and stepped into the shower for a warm long bath. I came out about an hour later to see Kim sitting on my bed.

"Hey..." She said right when she noticed me.

I almost laughed at her nervousness. To think that my sister could become this nervous about me seeing her boyfriend, I wonder how she'd react if it were to be mom.

"So, I didn't know you had a boyfriend..." I started since she was a bit hesitant to speak.

"Yeah, Shane and I have been taking things a bit slow, that's why I never brought him up." She said.

"I, I'm guessing that you both go to school together?" I asked her.

"Yea...ahh...yes, yes we attend school together." She stutters a bit causing me to give her a weird look.

"Well, I'm not gonna ask you to stop hanging out with him, but just be can't trust anybody these days. And to be completely honest, I didn't like his vibe at all."

"You don't like him?..."

"Don't say it like that Kim, it's just that I felt something off about him but maybe it's just because I don't really know him."

"So you're okay like you're cool that I'm seeing him?"

"Yeah...but, just be careful,"

"Thanks, I will."

"And, one more thing, if you ever feel like you can't handle it and you wanna do it with him, please do use protection...."

"God, April not the sex has done enough of that already..." Kim groaned causing me to let out a loud chuckle. 

"Just promise you'll be careful no matter what."

"I promise."

"But, on the bright side, he's a very handsome young boy."

"You you hear that, I think it's mom," Kim said as she headed out to check if it was mom who had just arrived. I on the other hand, quickly lotioned up and got into my comfy PJs and went into a deep slumber.

I made absolute good use of my off days at BOTS, days like these were really appreciated by my body.

It had snowed lightly Wednesday morning. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like light snow is a lot colder than thick snow. Or am I just plain stupid for actually pointing that out? Note sarcasm.

It also gets so slippery and without the right boots, one can fall really hard. My day was pretty fun, to begin with. After Kim had left for school, I decided to help mom out at the bakery.

It's getting busier by the day so basically the two employees she had hired aren't still enough.

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