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{Oikawa POV}

As I walk inside the bathroom, I quickly went to the sink and rest both of my palms on the sink counter as I look down.

My bangs were covering my face as I glances up at the mirror infront.

I slowly turn the tap water on and cupped my hand as the water refills in it.

When the water's full, I splash the water onto my face.

I let my palms covering my face for a moment.

I could feel my face heated up as I started to blush.

'What was that feeling earlier?... My heart beats faster than usual...' I thought as I covers my mouth.

'Is it what love felt like?... B-But why don't I feel the same when I was falling for Yumi-Chan?...' I thought once again as I stares at the running water.

After a while standing there, I shook my head and started to walk out not without closing the tap water.

As I step out of the bathroom, I froze in place as I was met with an impact of water.

Laughter would be heard echoing the hallway.

"BAHAHHAHAHA! Can't believe the school prince actually fall or that simple little prank!"

"He may have the look but he's so clueless!"

I shut my eyes open and was met with the school biggest troublemakers twins.

I shut my eyes open and was met with the school biggest troublemakers twins

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"Why can't you leave me alone?... Now my uniform's soaked" I exclaim as I look down at my soaked outfit.

"Oh we're not finished yet" the male twin spoke.

I sighs and slowly look back up.

"What now- FWAH-" I yelps as soon I got splashed by something soft like flour.

"You're no longer the school prince but the school flour prince!" the female twin spoke up and threw the empty bag away.

Some of the flour got into my eye, making me rubbed them cause it stings.

"Gah!- It hurts!" I exclaim as tears started to form from the pain.

"Aww~ Is the flour prince crying?~" the female twin tease.

"Screw you! I got flour in my eyes!" I argue.

"That's the suprise-"

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I heard a very familiar voice yelled out.

"Ah crap! It's Jelavic-sama!" the male twin spoke as I heard footstep fading away, signalling they run away.

"Oh my gosh, Tooru! You're a mess" the voice exclaim.

"W-Who is this?..." I asked.

"It's alright.... It's me, (F/N)... Hajime went to report it to the teacher... C'mon, let's get you cleaned up" (F/N)-Chan exclaim as she escort me to the sink nearby.

{3rd person POV}

"Why didn't you told us that you're getting bullied by that troubled twins?" Iwaizumi asked as he stood infront of Oikawa who's sitting on his table, waiting for (F/N) to hand him a new outfit.

"I just don't wanna take it as a big deal... Eitherway, I don't wanna care" Oikawa exclaim.

"Oh... You finally stop stuttering..."


"You kept stuttering over and over again... And now, you just happend to talk normally"

"I guess it's because of (F/N)-Chan's encouragement... She always reminded me that I'm finally in a good hands by lookin at her..." Oikawa replied as he formed a small smile.

Iwaizumi couldn't take it and chuckles.

"She sure is something isn't she?"

Right after that, the door slide open, reveal a raven girl.

"Alright, I got your uniform Tooru! But the blazer doesn't have any bigger size" (F/N) stated as she pass Oikawa the outfit.

"Thanks for finding me the uniform, (F/N)-Chan" Oikawa thanked her with a cheeky smile of him.

"Ah- You're finally smiling!" (F/N) cheered with a smile.

Oikawa chuckles nervously and scratches his nape.

"It actually felt nice though.."

"Yeah yeah... Now go change" Iwaizumi scold.

"No need to be mean Iwa-Chan~" Oikawa sang as he started to unbutton his blazer.

He suddenly stops and turn towards (F/N) who's facing him innocently.

"Aren't you gonna.. You know... Turn around or something?" He cooed.

"What? It's not like I haven't seen any abs or anything in my entire life... I already got used to it since I usually patch my dad after his mission so" (F/N) shrugs.

But that's not what he's worrying about.

"Y-Yeah but I g-get uncomfortable when a girl watches m-me change so.." Oikawa stuttered.

(F/N) raised her eyebrow in suspicious but smiles afterwards.

"It's okay! I understand! I'll wait for you two outside" She exclaim as she jogged out.

Right after she closed the door, Iwaizumi spoke up.

"You sure you don't want her to see them?..."

"I-I don't want her t-to worry" Oikawa cooed as he took off his uniform shirt.

Since Iwaizumi were sitting behind Oikawa, he could see bunch marks on Oikawa's back.

"You should really go to the doctor, Shittykawa..." Iwaizumi stated with a sigh.

"And what's the doctor gonna do? Send me to another family?.."

"Hey... I wasn't going that far..."

Oikawa kept quiet and wears the new uniform.

"S-Sorry... I just got used to overthink and imagine if I'm with my dad right now..." Oikawa exclaim and look down.

"You haven't seen him since the divorce right?"

Oikawa nods.

"Mom says that he's a jerk and n-not worth enough to be a husband but I know what's m-my dad was like...He done it for his own good... even t-though he can't take me with him..." Oikawa stated and brush his hair.

Iwaizumi just stares at him while sweatdropped.

"I wish I'm with my dad right now..." Oikawa cooed.

"You'll get to meet him again someday... Patient..." Iwaizumi comfort.

After that, they exchanges eachother phone number and went back to class cause the bell rang, signalling lunch is finally finish.

"Alright! So after practice, we'll be studying at my private library! I'll text you the details later!" (F/N) cheered and waves the boy before she walk inside her classrom.

Both of the males waves back at her and walk inside.

"You know Iwa-Chan... I haven't felt thid happy before.." Oikawa commented as he sit down.

"Well maybe if you didn't always follow your girlfriend orders, you would feel this long ago" Iwaizumi stated dumbfoded.

Oikawa chuckles.

His happy feeling makes him forgot the beat up from last week and his girlfriend's controlling habit.

'I can't wait to be with (F/N)-Chan again!' Oikawa thought with a smile.

Little did he know, a certain girl is furious at her seat, a few tables away from him.

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