Chapter 74

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{Oikawa POV}

I were currently at my balcony room to get some fresh air.

I took a deep breath and smile.

"Ah... Night breezes are something else" I muttered.

I then lean forward on the railings and stares at the moon.

"Both Tadaomi-san and (F/N)-Chan are still on their mission... the boys went for a training camp... and now... it just me and Irina-san left" I spoke.

"When are you going back here, (F/N)-Chan?~ I miss you~" I cried out while resting my chin on my palm.

Right then, my phone rang as I jolted in suprise.

I pull out my phone and read the ID caller.

"Oh- It's Iwa-Chan" I mumured as I accept the call.

"Iwa-Chan~ Why did you call?" I asked.


"Iwa-Chan? Iwa-Channn? Can you hear me?"


"Okay- What's with you? You're not the type to-"

"Long time no see, Tooru~ Ah... Your voice are still sweet as ever~"

I froze in place due to the voice I heard.

It's not Iwa-Chan's voice.

"W-What the?.." I cooed as I frown.

"Hm?~ What's wrong?~ Shock that I'm the one who pick it up?" They spoke.

"What the fuck are you doing with his phone!?" I bursted out.

"Hmm~ Maybe because I did something to him?~ Not yet but soon enough~"

My eyes widen in shock as my heart started to beat faster in mixed fear and panic.

"Y-You! Don't even dare to touch him! I swear I'm gonna kill you if you did anything to him!" I bursted out again.

"Kill me? Pfft-" they then started to laugh.

"This is not fucking funny, Yumi.... I'm fucking serious! Don't even dream to lay your filthy hands on him!" I warned.

"Are you sure about killing me? Heh... What about you watch me kill that precious friend of yours" she stated.

I could even imagine her evil smirk right now.

I gritted my teeth and tighten my grip on the railing.

"Don't you ever think? If I kill both Iwaizumi and that bitch you're dating right now, we would be together again without anyone getting into our way!~ Isn't that brilliant?~" she sang with a giggle, a evil one.

"You psycho! Let go of Iwa-Chan right this instant or I'm calling the police!" I threaten.

"And what they're gonna do? Arrest me? Shot me? Tooru darling~ They even close my missing case and claim me dead~ There's no way they'll believe you~"

She got a point.

What the fuck are the police would do even if I make a report about her.

"Why do you have to bring Iwa-Chan into our mess, Yumi?... He had nothing to do with this" I exclaim with a hint of anger.

"You think I don't know? Didn't he kept begging you to open your eyes and break up with me?" She stated, making me choked on my saliva.

I just kept silence since I was in a rage of anger.

"What's with the silence, Tooru?~ Cat got your tongue?~" she tease and laughs after.

"Let go of him right this instant-"

"Oh?~ Seems like our friend woke up from his sleep~" she interrupted.

"Iwa-Chan! Iwa-Chan!" I call out.

I could hear groans on the otherside.

"Where the heck am I?..." I heard Iwa-Chan's voice.

"Iwa-Chan! You have to get out of there!" I yelled.

No respond.

"Good morning, Iwai-zu-mi~" I heard Yumi sang following with footsteps.

"Y-You! What the fuck do you want from me?!" Iwa-Chan yelled out in anger.

"Iwa!! You have to get out of there!" I yelled out.

"Oikawa?" Iwa-Chan called out.

As I was about to speak, I heard loud thud coming from the otherside following with groans.

"Who says you could listen to him?" Yumi spat.

"Iwa! What did you do!?"

"Punching him on the face of course... It's not a big deal~" she sang.

"Oikawa! Don't worry about me! She having me hostage to get you!- ACK!-"


"Looks like my plans were spoiled... Geez... Can't you keep your mouth shut?"

"Nakata Yumi! I just said do not lay your filthy hands on him didn't I!?"

"Hm?~ Oh~ Seems like I forgot~" she sang.

I pants heavily as I were still holding my anger.

"He has nothing to do with our mess, Yumi! Let him go!" I demanded.

"Hmmm~ I think I could let him go~"

My heart started to beat like normal as I were relieved.

"In one condition of course~"

I chocked on my saliva in shock.

I bit my bottom lip in hesistation.

"W-What is i-it?..." I stuttered.

"Come to your house without anything... Make sure you come here alone or he will say bye bye to the world" she threaten.

I gulps as my body started to shake.

I tried to speak but nothing come up to my mouth.

"Oikawa! Don't worry about me! Go and make a repor- ARGH" I heard Iwa-Chan yelps.

"I just said don't interrupt" Yumi spat.

"I-Iwa-Chan! F-Fine! I'll c-come!! Just d-don't do anything else to h-him!" I exclaim while gripping onto the rails.

"Perfect!~ If you make anyone suspicious, I won't hesistate to end your poor friend life right away... You got that?~" she sang.


"I'll take that as a yes~ See you in 20 minutes or you'll face your consequences" she warned and hang up.

"Matte!- Yumi! Hey! Yumi! I'm not done with you yet!" I yelled out as I bring the phone down.

I then dial back Iwa-Chan's number.

"I'm sorry... the number you have dialed is not in service... Please try again..."

"Motherfucker" I curse under my breath as I kept dialing his number.

But each call, I will receive the same voicemail.

I bring my phone down and slam my fist onto the rail.

"Why did you have to bring him into this, Yumi!?" I muttered as tears started to roll down my cheek.

"He's so fuckin innocent... He has nothing to do about our relationship..." I kept muttering as I crouch down, hands still on the railings.

I then leans my forehead forward as I bit my bottom lip.

'I'm sorry (F/N)-Chan... I have to get Iwa-Chan out of there... I'm sorry...' I thought I cried.

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