Chapter 98

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{3rd person POV}

The sound of the door got creaked open, revealing a certain people walking inside.

"(F-F/N)-Chan... I-I think I changed m-my mind.." he spoke and tug (F/N)'s sleeve, stopping her from going futher.

"What's the deal, Tooru?" She asked gently and turn to him.

Oikawa bit his bottom lip and look away.

"I-If you compare her to m-mother... She's more t-terrifying and c-crazier..." he muttered and touched his wrapped neck.

"I-I didn't know she could b-be such yandere... Please... C-Can we get out of h-here?..."

(F/N) sighs and place her palm on Oikawa's hand.

"You don't want to see her for the last time?" She asked.

Oikawa shakes his head.

(F/N) smiles and increase his cheek.

"What about just a few words? I promise I'll drag you out of here right after, okay? Papa still needs some more information about her"

Oikawa stares at her worriedly.

"B-But I don't think I could f-face her" he exclaim, tighten his grip.

"You can... Believe in yourself at least... Nothing is possible unless you trust yourself more than anything else" (F/N) spoke.

She tip toed and peck him on the lips.

"You'll be okay... Trust me.." she whispered and pulls him to his seat gently.

Right after Oikawa sat down, (F/N) noticed her boot lances were untied.

She bend down and started to tie it back with Oikawa watches her.

A creak could be echoing the room after.

Oikawa turn his  heads at the source and was met with Yumi who walking inside and 2 guards behind her.

Oikawa gulps at Yumi's smiling face as she sit across him.

"Aww, baby~ You came to see me? How's sweet of you~" she spoke.

Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows in disgust.

"Don't call me baby, Yumi..." he reply.

"I can call you whatever I want~ Now why haven't I seen that bitch who stole you anywhere? Did she leave you? As she shoul-"

"You really got a big mouth, huh?" (F/N) spoke and stood up from the floor.

Yumi were taken back and gritted her teeth.

"What the fuck are you doing in here, stealer?.." she asked while glaring at (F/N).

"Who knows what will you do to him if I leave him all alone?... So specificly I'm guarding him" she reply while glaring back at her.

Yumi clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Anyways, let's start with the conversation now" she spoke and pull out her notepad and pen from her pants pocket.

"So... first question... why did you hurt him?" She asked while pointing at Oikawa with her pen.

Yumi rolls her eyes and leans back on the chair.

"Why don't you answer?"

"Cause I don't feel like to.... You'll have to wait a few more decades to make me speak" Yumi exclaim, looking away.

(F/N) scoff.

"It's alright... I can always asked the victim for answers... and your punishment might get added for lying and not cooperating with us" she exclaim.

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