Chapter 37

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Here's some fluff before we jumped on a little drama :D

{Your POV}

It doesn't take that long until Tooru got used to my family's routines and mamage to bring back his cheerish self.

And for his dad, we didn't get the chance to meet him since he's still on his outstation mission in Italy.

Eitherway, I was so happy for him that he's finally form a smile on his pretty face.

Of course, he is my crush anyways.

Before you ask, yes, I've been crushing on him secretly since I laid my eyes on his perfect form when he's setting in my first year of highschool.

My family except mama when to watch Iqbal's volleyball tourament at the same gym he was.

I was actually there to support Iqbal but since my school also attending there, I decided to support both.

Now back to reality-

I was currently coughing nonestop as I was writting notes in my notebook.

"Hey, (F/N)... You alright, girl? You've been coughing nonestop now" I heard Dina cooed in concern as we were sitting across eachother.

"I'm fine, Dina *cough* It's just a *cough* normal cough..." I reply with a weak smile.

"You don't look so good..." Dina exclaim worriedly.

I hums as I continue to write. Keyword, tried.

I felt dizzy as I hiss in pain.

"Okay, there's something wrong with you" Dina exclaim as she slam her hands on the table slightly, not to make a scene.

As I turn my head towards her, she slap her right hand on my forehad right away.

"As I expected... You got a fever" she stated.

"You wanna go to the infirmary to rest?" She asked.

"I'm good... Tooru and Hajime are gonna find me here"

"That'll make them 10 times more worry, (F/N)! Why are you so stubborn?!" Dina stated as I chuckles while laying my head on the table on my folded arms.

"Alright class, you're dismiss for lunch" I heard sensei spoke as he walk out.

Dina shift her gaze back at me after watching sensei walk off.

"If you want to stay here then, let me buy you something for lunch" Dina insisted as she stood up.

"Thanks, Dina... I don't *cough* really feel like *cough* moving" I reply as I watches her walk out of the classroom.

I turn my head to the otherside and sigh.

'I hate getting sick... Such an abuse..' I thought as I snuzzle deeply into my arms and drift to sleep.

{3rd person POV}

As Dina was about to make her way to the cafeteria, she were bumped onto two certain people.

"Ah, Oikawa, Iwaizumi" she called out.

"Hey, you're (F/N)'s classmate right?" Iwaizumi pointed out.

She nods in reply.

"Where's (F/N)-Chan? Isn't she always with you?" Oikawa asked after.

Dina sighs and turn her head towards a certain direction, followed by the two.

"That idiot had a fever and now she's too weak to move so I insisted to buy her lunch" Dina explained.

"(F/N)-Chan's sick and she didn't tell us?"

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