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{Your POV}

It was currently just me, Mic-sensei and the Seirin's team in the gym.

As I were packing my stuff, a certain red head walk up to me.

"Hey" he called out, making me stop whatever I'm doing and look up at him.

I raise my eyebrow, signalling him to continue.

"I want to have a 1on1 with you" He exclaim while look down at me.

"1on1? You do know your team just lost to mine" I pointed out, making him blush in embrassement.

"Y-Yeah I know! But it's gonna be between you and me only!" He begged.

"Oi, Bakagami! What are you doing?!" I heard a brunette girl with short hair yelled out for the guy.

I sighs and stood up with the strap bag in my grip.

"I don't do rematches" I exclaim with my eyes close.


"You heard me, angry bird... I'm not taking any rematches... Now if you excuse me" I stated as I started to walk off.

"(F/N)-Chan!!! Over here!!" I heard Tooru called out.

I shot my eyes open and was met with him and Hajime waiting at the gym entrance, waving his arm.

I smiles towards the fluff view infront of me.

As I was about to spoke up, a voice exclaimed, making me stop my tracks.

"Or is it because you're too exhausted to accept another match?"

"Say that again..." I exclaim as I turn around.

He just flashes me a smirk.

I narrowed my eyes at him while gritting my teeth.

I then threw my bag towards Tooru as I marches to the red head.

"W-Woah-" I heard he yelps as he struggled to hold the bag.


"Now now, Aida's kid... Let them have their 1on1 alright?~" I heard Coach Mic exclaim and threw the ball at me.

I caught the ball and stop my tracks as I arrived infront of the guy.

"First one to get 7 points... wins" he exclaim as he lowered his hips.

I didn't answer and kept staring at him with half-lidded eyes.

I then glances at Coach and saw him nods with a grin.

I took a deep breath and bumped the ball.

"This better ends quick... I have a tutor lesson I have to... do!" I exclaim as I pass him in a flash.

He jumps in suprise as I kept approaching the hoop.

I stop my tracks and shoot a 3 from the shooting line.

The ball went in with perfectly as I turn around.

He just look at me shockly.

"What? Seen a ghost or something?... I swear I won't let you score a point..." I exclaim as I pass him the ball.

He caught it and grin.

"Oh I'll make you eat those words!" he exclaim and started to approach me in an incredible speed.

As he was right beside me, I glances at the ball in his grip.

I bring my hand and slap the ball off his grip.

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