Chapter 76

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{3rd person POV}

"My son finally come back home! What a miracle!" Riya cheered as she look at Oikawa happily.

Oikawa started to shake in fear.

As he was about to step forward, Iwaizumi yelled out.

"Stay where you're are, Oikawa!" He yelled, making Oikawa stops his tracks.

Upon hearing Iwaizumi demand, Riya quickly snapped her head back at him.

"You have no right to tell my son what to do!" She yelled out as she push her hand down.

Iwaizumi widen his eyes and kept holding her hand while gritting his teeth.

"And here you think what you've tell him not and to do is correct?! Wrong! You just make his mental worse!" Iwaizumi argue back.

He then move his right feet upwards and kick her off.

Riya yelps in pain as her body were bumped onto the shoe rack, hard.

Oikawa just stood there, helpless.

Iwaizumi quickly got up and rushes towards Oikawa.

"We need to run right now!" He exclaim as proceed to get away with dragging Oikawa's wrist.

But his tracks were stopped when Oikawa didn't even bother to move an inch.

"What the- Oikawa! We need to go now!" Iwaizumi yelled out.

"B-But mother's hurt! I-I can't just left h-her like that!" Oikawa reply.

"She's a psycho, Oikawa! She and Yumi teammed up to get you! For now, worried about yourself and leave her be!" Iwaizumi argue.

"I c-can't! I-I'm still her son! A-And my responsibility i-is to take care o-of-"

"Oikawa Tooru!" Iwaizumi interrupted as he grip both of Oikawa's arm, making Oikawa flinches in suprise.

"You have to sacrifice that responsibility! I know it's a son and daugther must to take care and protect their parents but she didn't deserve it! You hear me?!" Iwaizumi yelled out.

Oikawa just stares at him in mixed concern and shock.

He tries to speak but nothing come out of his mouth.

"Now cut that pityness crap of yours and save yourself first!" Iwaizumi demanded.

Oikawa bit his bottom lip and decided to give up.

But as he was about to move, Riya spoke up.

"Tooru, s-sweetie..." she spoke.

Oikawa's breath hitched, hearing his mother calling out for him.

He turns around, only to meet with Riya who's still leaning on the wall, looking up at him with tears in her eyes.

"M-Mother.." he cooed.

"Oikawa! We have to move!"

"C-Come back to me, sweetheart.. I misses you s-so much..." she exclaim as she reach out her arm.

Oikawa stood there as he was in the middle of deciding.

Should he went up to his mother or follow Iwaizumi run away?

"Mother..." he muttered as he take a step forward.

But he immediately got yanked back since Iwaizumi still holding his wrist.

"Oikawa don't! She's tricking you!" Iwaizumi argue.

"I-Iwa! Mother's calling f-for me! Let go!" Oikawa demanded.

"She's lying! She didn't miss you at all! She just want to keep you for herself!"

"I said let g-go!"

"Tooru... P-Please come back to m-me... I need m-my son back... Please, T-Tooru.." Riya exclaim.

Oikawa just manage to look at her with a worried face.

"M-Mother... I'm c-comi-"

"That's it! You're forcing me, Oikawa!" Iwaizumi yelled out and tighten his grip on Oikawa's wrist.

He winces in pain as they started to run away.

"I-Iwa! Stop! M-Mother needs m-me!" Oikawa yelled out as he look behind him while running.

Iwaizumi didn't reply anything and keep running.

"M-Mother!" Oikawa called out as he reach out his arm.

But the sight of his mother fades when they turn to a corner.

Soon, they somehow arrive at a park.

Iwaizumi pants, still not letting go of Oikawa.

"Iwa-Chan! W-Why didn't you let g-go of me!? M-Mother needs me b-back there!" Oikawa scold.

Iwaizumi just kept quiet.

"C-Can't you see she's lost of me!? S-She needs me! And you k-kept draggin- WOAH" Oikawa were interrupted when Iwaizumi pull Oikawa's wrist forward, making him fall onto the vending machine.

As Oikawa were wincing in pain, he felt his collar got pulled forward.

"Listen here Oikawa..." Iwaizumi spoke.

"Sometimes... Everything aren't suitable with the situation... And sometimes... we have to sacrifice what is must..." Iwaizumi exclaim as Oikawa just stares at him with widen eyes.

"Everything needs to be done depends the situation we're having... So you must learn how to tell the different between what you must do and don'ts.... And judging by the situation earlier... It isn't a must..." he stated as he slowly loosen his grip on the collar.

"You could've been fallen into her trap and who knows what that psychos might done to you... Yumi started to kill people.... Both of your mother and Yumi... seems like they're being too obsess with you.."

"So please... learn how to see the the danger you'll be facing... and save yourself from getting into one... You understand me?" Iwaizumi ended up his statement.

Oikawa just sit there, feeling bad.

"Y-You got the point there, I-Iwa-Chan... It seems like I still can't tell the danger I'm h-having... Sorry..." Oikawa apologized as he get up on his feet.

Iwaizumi sighs.

"You're too hopeless..." he commented with a dumbfoded expression.

Oikawa just chuckle nervously while rubbing his nape.

"Now... Should we make a report?" Oikawa asked.

"Why you always have dumb questions on your fuckin brain? Of course we shouldddd..." Iwaizumi were interrupted when his body fall forward.

"I-Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa called out in panic and caught him in time.

"Oh god.." Oikawa muttered as he just noticed blood started to drip down Iwaizumi's head and new bruises all over his body.

"Iwa-Chan! Iwa-Chan! Can you hear me!?" He yelled out.

No respond.

Oikawa were panicking since his friend isn't responding anything.

He quickly pull out his phone and shakily dial someone.

He then immediately place the phone to his ear.

"Pick up... Pick up.." Oikawa muttered.

Right after then, a voice called out for him causing him to jolted in suprise.


Guess who😃💅

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