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"Does anyone want to explain to Molly?" Gert asked everyone when she saw her adopted sister sleeping on the couch. "We haven't even done anything yet."

You chuckled as you combed Molly's hair and she smiled in her sleep. Chase, on the other hand, sat on the stairwell steps, putting his arms on top of his knees and laying his head down, dozing off. "Maybe she, like the rest of us, didn't get enough sleep."

"Could just be puberty." Nico walked down the stairs and pinched Chase's ear up to wake him up and forced him to stand. "You said it yourself, adolescents need more sleep. Anyways, Molly can skip this one. She's further along than the rest of us."

Karolina entered the main hall, passing by Nico. "Speak for yourself." She stated and stood in front confidently. "I've been practicing." Karolina closed her eyes, her skin glowed, and she soared slowly into the air, flying in complete control. Nico stared in awe and disbelief.

Karolina carefully maneuvered herself backward in the air and landed gracefully on the stairs. Nico chuckled. "Uh... um, how much practice?" She asked. Karolina smirked down at her girlfriend. "Enough that you're suddenly nervous you're not the best anymore." She bragged playfully.

Chase frowned as he watched Karolina walk down the stairs. "Wait, I thought I was the best—"

Nico immediately shook her head. "No. Not even close." She told Chase until she gasped in realization. "Oh, you want to make this a competition?"

Chase turned to face Nico. "I think I already did." He turned around and charged up his Fistigons before blasting the dummy you made earlier for the team. Gert swerved to the side and watched the lifeless dummy fall to the ground. "Yeah, that's right!" Chase cheered to himself. "That is how you do it."

You and the others stared at Chase as he triumphantly nodded to himself until the blown doll began a fire behind him. As he turned to see the flaming doll, Chase's smile faded. While the others were terrified, you ended up laughing.

"Shit!" Chase exclaimed.

"Think I saw a fire extinguisher," Karolina informed and was ready to dash to get the fire extinguisher when Nico intervened. "I got it." She said.

Nico leaned the Staff of One forward and used it to remove the fire. "Extinguish!" Nico blew her staff in victory after the flames were put out, earning a proud grin from herself. Chase bobbed his head slowly. "Okay. You're definitely better."

Gert glanced at you as you stood next to the stairs. "What about (Y/n)? She has been using her illusion powers for, like, her entire life. Why can't she skip this one like Molly?"

You raised your arm, demonstrating your newly acquired powers as a result of rescuing Alex from captors before. "Need I remind you about these new powers that I'm quite unfamiliar with?"

"You use them like a pro," Gert commented.

You thought for a moment before looking down at your hands. "Maybe I learned from watching Wanda. The three of us used to train with our powers."

"Your first adoptive siblings have powers too?" Karolina gasped. "How did you get them exactly?"

Except for Molly, who was sleeping comfortably, you glanced at Karolina before gazing at your friends, who were all staring at you. "Well," You cleared your throat as you began explaining. "We touched this yellow glowy stone and I think that's how we got our powers?"

You shifted your gaze to a dummy you'd constructed next to Chase. As you utilized your powers to raise the dummy up, Chase stepped back. Nico smiled as he watched your bluish psionic energy wrap around the lifeless constructed dummy and lift it higher. Your eyes flickered once again from blue to red, and you unintentionally ripped the dummy apart earning a few shocked gasps from Nico, Karolina, and Gert.

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