37. " You Remember?"

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It's been quite a while yeah?
Sorry for the long wait, I was just not myself lately AND on top of that busy with all the work at home. Also, my phone was not cooperating at all. Can you imagine "As it was" was the first song I listened to on my phone the day it was released, after more than a month going without any music? Like seriously!

But now I'm doing absolutely great... Been writing continuously ever since my last message here. I would write at least a thousand words every night while listening to my favorite songs. And it literally made me feel so much better. It was like my own kind of therapy.

As I said before, it feels like coming back home. You guys are my best family.

And I want to add just one more thing here before I end this ridiculous long thank you/condition update note.

There is this one person I really want to thank god for making her a part of my life, I seriously can't process without her. She's my lifeline, after mum. These past couple of months went really weird, I was heartbroken because of my family so many times and went through so much shit but she was always there for me in one way or another. Even though sometimes when I could not tell her about my pain, just imagining her face was enough to make me smile and carry on with the fight.

She's my best friend, my sister - my soul sister tbh, my guardian angel. I am blessed to have her in my life. I know that this is not the place to write about all of this, but I need you all to know that if I am here alive and still sane, she's one of the biggest reasons for that. She's been the past six years.

Love you so much, my upside down walrus! I can't wait to meet you one day.

PS if you are reading this, I'm so proud of you.

Happy 28th 💚💙 !!


Word Count : 13.5k


(October 2016, London)


When Louis woke up from his nap it was almost afternoon. Bringing his hands up to cover his eyes from the bright light of the room, he frowned a little to settle his eye sight.

When he looked down at himself he found that he was in different clothes from the hospital gown he was wearing earlier. Although now he could vaguely remember Harry helping him change into different clothes after he spilled his juice over his gown while he was having his breakfast in the morning.

Later on he left him with one of nurses to check on his vitals and then to take some rest meanwhile he completes his hospital discharge process.

Looking around in the room he found the source of the noise which woke him up.

" Where's Harry?" he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

Gemma turned around with a little jump. A smile came onto her face as she looked at him before making her way to his side and helping him to sit up on the bed.

" He was here when I went to get some water, maybe went to collect the your meds. You want something to eat or drink maybe?"

Louis blinked lazily before letting out a sigh, " I need to use the rest room first and I'm not hungry, just wanna go home. " he pouted out of the habit.

Gemma smiled at him," I can understand. Not a fan of hospitals , eh ? "

A soft chuckle along with a nod is what she received in an answer .

" C'mon, let me take you to the bathroom." She stood up from the hospital bed before offering him a hand.

" I'm alright, Gemma." despite his statement, Louis put his hand in her before letting her guide him to the bathroom.

Arranged To Love (Larry Stylinson)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ