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( 6 June 2016, New York)

Calling it was a perfect evening would be an understatement, It was a beyond beautiful one. The weather, the venue, all the arrangements everything was amazing. Each and every single guest from the guest list was there to witness the beautiful ceremony.

Everyone knew that it was an arranged marriage and that is why it was the main gossip between all of the guest there. None of the each family has seen the other groom before the day and after witnessing the engagement ceremony they all were even more hyped for the wedding.

Jay was with Louis all the time after the little chat between the two of the boys. Louis was feeling much relieved after talking to Harry, now he wasn't that much fidgety or shaky either. He was nervous though but who wouldn't be on their wedding day, but either his sister or one of his parents were always with him until it was the time to walk the aisle with her mother. Yes he chose Jay to let him walk down the aisle.

Both Harry and Louis decided to choose Anne as their ring bearer because none of them would have been able to see this day happening if it wasn't for her.

Harry was in his room in the mansion, alone. He was just thinking about all the things that had happened to him in his life. How did he became from a softball to a rebellion and then how he turned his life to a new Direction and became one of the most successful business man in the UK. All of his life was replaying itself in his mind and while he was just standing there by the window of his room closing his eyes, a soft knock on the door broke him out of his thoughts. He turned to look and in came Robin along with Anne and Des.

"How are you feeling son, you ready?" Des asked.

He nods his head and says with a little smile , " Good and yeah, I am."

With a knock on the door again Gemma enters in the room but sensing the seriousness in the room she just stays quiet by Robin's side.

" You know we all are so proud of you and we all wish you a beautiful wedding and a prosperous and even more wonderful  married life ahead my son." Des says before embracing him in a warm and tight hug. After that Anne, Robin and Gemma wishes him a happy married life one by one and leaves the room but except for Gemma.

" So Haz do you think everything is perfect with the wedding arrangements. I mean we didn't miss anything, did we?" Gemma asks after hugging him.

"Well there is one thing actually. I mean, I really miss those three idiots. It would have been good if they were here but......" he trails off.

" I know but you were the one who decided not to tell them. Because as you say, they will literally leave everything what they would be doing to come for the wedding. " she replied.

" I know and I can't be the selfish person here, it was their dream to spread their  business world wide. They are really good at it, and I can't ruin it for them." he reasons himself.

" Don't worry about them, well it's a fact that they will literally beat you to pulp when they'll know about the marriage and will come to see you next time. But for now clear your smart little mind because it's you two's day today, alright." she tries to cheer him up, yeah 'TRIES'.

" Jeez, thanks Gem for your marvelous pep talk now I feel ten times better. ", he scoffs and jokingly remarks at her "pep talk".

Gemma's phone rings and she answers,
" yeah mum..... mhmm... Ok... Yes he is ready.... Ok... Yeah.... Ok.... Well we'll meet you there in five ok. Yeah bye. Mum says if you're ready then we should head outside for the altar ." she says to him.

" Okay. Yeah I'm ready just help me with the corsage, will ya. " he asks to her and she helps him happily. After one last look and Goodluck kiss from her sister on the cheek a nervous groom aka Harry Edward Styles steps out of his room to take the first step towards his future husband and upcoming married life.

Arranged To Love (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now