Chapter 16. My Angel.

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[WARNING : Mentions of body shaming, slut shaming, angst, starving one’s self, bullying.

Dear Reader , If you easily get triggered by any of these than please skip the part that is written in Italics. 🙂]

(June 2016, London)


"No Harry, he's not. He's crying, please come inside right now. "


With that Niall disconnected the call and with in a second Harry was running towards the house entrance.

Gemma was confused and worried about the whole situation because she never saw his brother looked this much distressed. So she does what she thought was best and ran after him, after excusing herself and her brother to the guests.

When Harry stepped inside the house it was all quiet but faintly he could hear Niall. So he followed the sound of the voice and walked upstairs towards his bedroom.

" Lou please open the door. Listen to me mate, don't think about it. Those people doesn't matter. Louis please open the......." 

Niall was standing outside of the bathroom in their bedroom and was trying to talk to Louis through the door, he locked himself inside. Harry saw as Niall was trying to open the door by twisting the knob left and right but it was locked and that's when he spoke.

"What's going on?"

"Harry. Oh thank God you're here, please make him come out, he locked himself inside. He's crying Harry." Niall was miserable, he was worried sick for his newly become friend. His own eyes were soaked with tears.

Harry looks from Niall to the door and rushed towards it, he starts knocking on it,

" Louis, open the door it's me, Harry. "

No answer.

" Lou please open the door, I'm really worried now.....
Okay if you don't want to open it, just let us know that you're okay in their." he puts his palms and head on the door, his heart was pounding in his ribcage and he was heavy breathing.

No answer but now he can hear him whimpering.

"Louis, I'm asking you this last time and if you won't open it, I'm breaking the damn door down.........
Louis." he pulls away from the door.


"Niall, help me with the door." Harry was furious.

"NO."  finally he spoke.

"Lou - Louis, please tell me you're okay. Please open the door baby, please." in his bile of emotions, he said the word he didn't intend to ; but didn't regret it. He was again in his previous position close to the door.

On the other side of the door, as soon as Louis heard Harry's voice, his heart starts beating faster. He didn't realise that he would ever crave for him this much. All he wanted now was to open the door, run into his arms and cry over every pain he has ever faced.

When Harry was talking to him, he was trying really hard to stop himself from giving up and rush to him. He was completely shattered but still he wouldn't want him to know about everything.

His mind was telling him that if Harry knew about everything, maybe he will realize how he made a mistake by marrying him ; or maybe not, his heart said.

Louis could see Harry's silhouette from inside, under the door. He gets up from where he was sitting on the cold floor and walked towards the door. He places his hand on the door and tilts his head on it after.

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